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WATCH: Kamala Harris’ New Strategy To Avoid Press Questions

Since taking Biden’s place as the Democrat nominee, Kamala Harris has flat-out ignored the press, time and time again.

She has only sat down for one interview with CNN, and a short one at that.

There have been ZERO press conferences, and she rarely takes any questions from the press at her events.

And now, she is apparently upping her strategy to avoid hearing reporters altogether — wearing headphones.

While headed to a campaign event in Detroit on Monday, Kamala was spotted with headphones in her ears, literally blocking out the press as she passed them by.

See for yourself:

Let that sink in.

Kamala Harris, who seeks to become the president of our country, is employing teenage girl tactics at avoiding questions…

The Western Journal commented:

Some people have mastered the art of looking busy so as to avoid social interactions without raising eyebrows.

Vice President and Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris, however, is not one of them.

After weeks of limiting her public comments to only the most scripted settings, Harris on Monday adopted a new tactic.

Unfortunately for her, she fooled no one.

In a clip posted to the social media platform X by C-SPAN comms director Howard Mortman, the vice president emerged from her vehicle carrying a phone and wearing earpieces. She then waved briefly to reporters before boarding a plane to Michigan.

Whether or not this stunt was as deliberate as it seemed, it’s inarguable that headphones are a wonderful way of not hearing reporter questions.

Kamala also appeared to pretend to be on the phone, despite the headphones:

Here’s a tip, Kamala: if you’re going to avoid the press, at least stick to one strategy!


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