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Youth Movement: 25 – 34 Year Olds Dominate the Audience of President Trump & Elon Musk’s XSpace

It was a fascinating conversation between Musk and President Trump.

And just as fascinating are the reported age demographics of who tuned in:

Yep, you read that right. 25 – 34 year olds made up a staggering 70% of the audience!

George hits the nail-on-the-head: “No wonder the mainstream media is panicking. An uncensored Trump reached an audience they always try to gatekeep.”

Bo Loudon breaks the numbers down even farther, pointing out that 77% of the 27 million people which tuned in were YOUNGER than 34:

But maybe China Clark’s reply to Elon says it best – watch the video and let your heart be warmed:


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