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Former Rep Adam Kinzinger DOUBLE LIFE EXPOSED?

Here’s a curious bit of information leaking out.

Is former Rep of Illonois, Adam Kinzinger leading a double life?

Is that one reason why this RINO has been so anti-Trump?

Is this why he has a Ukraine flag in his Twitter/X handle?

Here’s an old post of his:

He was mocking a Tucker Carlson video that had masculine men in it that had their shirts off.

Oh the irony.

These people love to project.

They see the world through the lenses they wear.

And it seems that it might be Adam Kinzinger that’s into men without shirts, as it’s alleged that a Grindr account belongs to him.

I’ll let you be the judge.

Here’s his Grindr post from X. It won’t link because it’s quoting Kinzinger, who just turned off replies.


Here’s his tattoos.

Lest we forget, this RINO seems to love Kamala and hate Trump & MAGA.

All you have to do is look down is Twitter/X feed.

Here’s a refresher on his take of J6, via Wikipedia:

Investigation into the January 6 attack on the Capitol

On July 1, 2021, Kinzinger voiced disdain about sanctions threatened by Republican leadership against Republican lawmakers who would participate in a House committee to investigate the Capitol attack.

After McCarthy rescinded his recommendations, Pelosi announced on July 25 that she had appointed Kinzinger to the committee. Kinzinger was one of the ten House Republicans who voted for Trump’s second impeachment.


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