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BUSTED! Can You Spot THE PROOF That Kamala’s Crowd is Fake?

Here’s a fun game you can all play with the whole family.

It’s brought to you by the people over at Kamala Harris’ rally.

It’s called What’s Wrong With This Picture?

Gather the kids around.

They may do better than you think.

How do you play?


Just watch this short clip and see What’s Wrong With This Picture?

Write down your observation.

And then compare your answers.

Whoever wins gets a prize. I’ll leave that up to you. (Ice-cream & a movie night is always a favorite)




Okay, did you catch it?

Did you see them?

There’s 2 correct answers.

The first answer is…

#1 The Tail Number

Every plane has it…but not this one. Is it AI?

The next answer is right next to Kamala…

 #2 The Reflection

Let’s get a better shot of that.

Zoom in…

Maybe the crowd were all vampires?

Hey, it’s possible.

But then again, they’d be sparkling in the sun.

So if you got both answers right, I suggest you win a movie night. Might as well watch Twilight.

Maybe we can tell the liberals about this?

Though they do seem to act like they have hearing damage.

Speaking of movies, are we already watching 0ne?

This could explain the missing # on the tail. Perhaps it was AI all along?


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