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Biden Steps Down: The Hur Tapes Magically Appear

Curious timing.

Out of the blue, Democrats now produce the Hur transcripts.

Almost like they want to throw Biden under the bus.

They’re officially done with him it seems.

He steps down and the DOJ now have the goods.

Funny how that works, isn’t it?

The Gateway Pundit reports:

Release the tapes!

A heavily redacted transcript of Special Counsel Robert Hur’s interview with Joe Biden’s ghostwriter Mark Zwonitzer was released last month.

And now the Justice Department is admitting it ‘discovered’ Hur transcripts it previously claimed it did not have of Joe Biden’s conversation with his ghostwriter Mark Zwonitzer.

Joe Biden asserted executive privilege over the audio recordings. Republicans have argued that Joe Biden cannot assert executive privilege over the audio since the transcript has already been released.

US Attorney General Merrick Garland classified the audio tapes of Biden’s interview with Hur as “Top Secret” and locked it way in a SCIF.

The DOJ is now claiming it discovered Hur transcripts in response to a flurry of FOIA lawsuits – shortly after Biden announced he is dropping out of the 2024 race.

“The Justice Department told a federal judge late Monday that it has located transcripts it previously denied having of President Joe Biden’s talks with a biographer that played a role in the recently completed criminal investigation into Biden’s handling of classified material before he became president.” – Politico reported.

Newsweek adds:

The Department of Justice (DOJ) has found transcripts from an interview between President Joe Biden and his biographer, Mark Zwonitzer, which federal prosecutors previously said they did not have.

The transcripts are related to DOJ Special Counsel Robert Hur’s investigation into whether Biden violated the law after classified documents were found at his private residence in Delaware and former office at the Penn Biden Center. Hur concluded Biden “willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen,” but concluded “no criminal charges are warranted in this matter.”

The conservative think tank the Heritage Foundation has filed a case to make public some of the materials from his investigation, including audio recordings of a conversation between Biden and Zwonitzer. The DOJ previously said it would process portions of that audio, but it was not in possession of a transcript of the recording, according to court documents.

However, DOJ lawyer Cameron Silverberg wrote in a filing on Monday night that prosecutors have now found this transcript.

“In the past few days, in the course of processing the portions of the Biden-Zwonitzer audio recordings that the parties agreed to…the Department located six electronic files, consisting of a total of 117 pages, that appeared to be verbatim transcripts of a small subset of the Biden-Zwonitzer audio recordings created for the [special counsel’s office] by a court-reporting service,” the filing reads.


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