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Chuck Schumer: “Please Clap!”

Chuck Schumer, you’re now in the club!

Kamala Harris too!

Congratulations on your admission into the “Please Clap!” Club, a very prestigious club founded by Jeb Bush and boasting other prominent members like Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden and Ron DeSantis.

What a group!

Chuck actually gets inducted into the Club on a two-fer!  He actually managed to have TWO please clap moments in one speech, which is pretty incredible.

Kamala tags along for the ride, because usually it’s just someone asking you to clap for themselves, but this was Chuck Schumer asking the crowd to clap for Kamala Harris.

It sure sounds to me like the crowd doesn’t much like him OR Comma-La.

Here’s the first clip:


Full video player here:

Always bad when you have to be the only one clapping for what you just said.


Then he tried again at the end of his little speech, and even he knew it wasn’t going to go well so he aborts halfway through and just tosses things over to Hakeem:

Full video player here:

Way to go Chuck, that was truly awful!

America hates you and your little friend too!

“Ground up politics” — yeah right.

That’s why they’re not clapping you imbecile.   There was no process and it wasn’t ground up.  The party just crowned Kamala as the nominee and most people are pretty pissed at it.

Not me, mind you.

I love it.

She’s a worse candidate than Joe was.

But most in your party really hate the way you steamrolled this through, and then tried to pass it off as “ground up politics”.


That’s why they’re not clapping you fucking moron!

(Sorry Franklin)

Ok, now let’s take a walk down memory lane and remember all our other members of this prestigious club!

Joe and Jill Biden

Joe Biden channeled Jeb Bush on Saturday when he begged the crowd to clap for him after failing to get the reaction he wanted.

Do you remember Jeb’s infamous “Please Clap” moment?

I’m happy to refresh your memory because I play this clip every chance I get:

Well, Joe Biden just had his own “Please Clap” moment.

It happened during a commencement speech he delivered at West Point academy.

“Never forget America is the strongest when we lead not only by our example, of our power, but by the power of our example,” Biden announced.


The crowd was silent, but instead of letting the moment pass, Biden made things even more awkward, following up with a desperate, “You should clap for that!”

Watch the pathetic, but hilarious, moment here for yourself:

Independent reported:

President Joe Biden asked a crowd to acknowledge his inspirational statement to newly graduated West Point cadets while delivering the US military academy’s commencement address on Saturday.

After receiving roaring applause for joking about the rivalry the school has with Annapolis, the United States Naval Academy, and absolving cadets of any minor infraction, Mr Biden was met with silence when he offered words of encouragement about leading the world.

“Never forget, America is the strongest when we lead not only by our example our power, but by the power of our example,” Mr Biden said.

After a few seconds he added, “You can clap for that.”

The crowd offered golf-like applause before Mr Biden moved on, telling the 1,036 cadets that their role as members of the US Army was to pledge their allegiance to the Constitution, not a political party, and saying that he will keep American soldiers out of Ukraine and Israel.

Of course, Biden is getting obliterated on social media over this.

Take a look at these responses:

But, hey, let’s not be too hard on Joe.

It runs in the family.

Another social media user shared this lovely clip of “Dr.” Jill Biden also snapping at an audience who didn’t laugh at here joke:

What do you think?

Which moment was worse: Joe’s, Jeb’s, or Jill’s?

Ron DeSantis

So look, I get that Florida likes DeSantis.

But I can spot a RINO a mile away, and this guy is headed squarely into the Paul Ryan / Mitt Romney / John Kasich territory.

And that laugh….[cringe]

And that nasally voice!  [mega cringe]


Sorry folks, I just call it as I see it and I can’t self-censor even though Florida likes this guy.


And here’s the latest bit that I can’t censor.

Two parts actually….

Part 1 is the DeSantis camp having their very own Jeb “Please Clap” moment.

Take a look:

Sorry DeSanctus, but when nobody claps for you at an applause break, perhaps they just don’t like you that much?

Just sayin….

This was hilarious:

Remember this moment?

More on Jeb in a minute down below if you want to take a walk down memory lane…

But first, Part 2.

Not only did no one clap but Ron got sweaty.

Like, NASTY sweaty.

No wonder the dude was always showering with other guys in the basement.  [cringe]

Here is Newsweek commenting on Ron’s “sweaty appearance”:

Now let’s zoom in….

And no, these are NOT edited (I wish they were):

Best quote ever:

For reference:

And in case you think those photos were just staged or edited or just a bad angle, video doesn’t lie.


Now let’s take a walk down memory lane…

Kamala Harris

Now we move to the Hyena…Kamala Harris.

In some bizarre rant about Yellow School Buses, she achieved her own “Please Clap” moment….and then burst out with her Hyena Cackle.

So cringe.

Watch here on Rumble:

Congrats to the Great Cackle-Queen…you’re now in the club!

Nancy Pelosi

In the latest Democrat embarrassment Nanci Pelosi scolded the audience at the United Nations Climate Change Conference for, get this, NOT clapping.

Here’s Trending Politics with more:

The Speaker was introducing several lawmakers when the embarrassing moment took place.

“Good afternoon, everyone,” Pelosi started. “Uh it is really an honor to be here with our Distinguished Delegation from the House of Representatives. I want them all to stand so you can see who they are. Congressman Earl Blumenauer, McCallum, McCollum, Pingree, Keating, Bonamici, Brownley, Huffman, Lowenthal, Beyer, Boyle, Espaillat, Casten, Escobar, Ocasio Cortez, Levin Negus.”

“Uh thank you all for being here,” Pelosi said as the crowd stayed completely silent. “Uh today, we will hear and that’s an applause line in case you didn’t know. We can applaud ourselves. We applaud ourselves.”

That’s an applause line.

Guess no one told the audience that when a drunk Democrat gets on stage in America we clap!

Check out the full clip below:

While the rest of the world laughs at Pelosi, AOC, and Obama for mixing up Scotland and Ireland, back home we applaud these people.

That’s what the Democrats are used to. Zero accountability and participation medals.

I wonder if Pelosi has servants at home that clap every time she eats her favorite flavor of ice cream?

Seriously how great was that President Trump ad making fun of her? Here’s a little throwback:

You got to love it.


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