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Was Trump’s Speech Last Night An Indication Biden Will Be Switched?

As WLT reported previously, President Trump was reportedly not going to use Biden’s name once in his long-anticipated RNC speech.

Fox News reported on Thursday morning that Trump would not use Biden’s name at all.

Fox News further reported that Trump would instead use general terms such as “current administration” or “current leadership.

Trump used the terms “current administration” and “current administration” during his speech at the RNC on Thursday night but ended up using Biden’s name twice during his speech.

A source within the Trump campaign shared Trump didn’t want to use Biden’s name a lot due to not knowing if Biden would even be the Democrat presidential nominee.

Here’s what Yahoo News reported:

It appears Donald Trump couldn’t help but go off script during his excruciatingly long Republican National Convention speech, uttering the one word that sources close to him said he wouldn’t.

The former president was not planning to mention President Joe Biden by name during his address Thursday, insiders told multiple reporters, amid Trump’s supposed push for unity following the attempt on his life Saturday.

Fox News reported ahead of the speech that “highly placed sources” had told him Trump would not use the word “Biden” once, as part of his new focus on unification. Trump campaign senior adviser Danielle Alvarez also spoke of the plan to CBS News.

But less than halfway into his 92-minute speech accepting the Republican presidential nomination, Trump name-dropped Biden twice while criticizing him as worse than the last “10 worst” presidents combined.

“Think of it. The 10 worst, added them up — they will not have done the damage that Biden has done,” Trump said. “Only going to use the term once: Biden. I’m not going to use the name anymore. Just one time. The damage that he’s done to this country is unthinkable.”

Per Fox News:

Highly placed sources told Fox News’ Bret Baier that the former president’s highly anticipated speech tonight in Milwaukee will run for over an hour and will avoid mentioning “Biden” entirely.

Several times Trump will refer to the “current administration” or the “current leadership,” but does not reference Biden’s name, according to the sources.

Sources say the speech will “lay out the case for the ticket” and several parts will focus on unity in the wake of Saturday’s assassination attempt in Butler, Pennsylvania.

“We don’t know who the nominee will be at this point,” a source said, referring to questions within the Democratic Party about whether President Biden should be pushed to step down from running for re-election amid concerns over his mental and physical capacity to campaign and govern.


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