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Historian Who Correctly Predicted 9/10 Past Elections Weighs In On Whether Democrats Should Replace Biden

Remember Allan Lichtman?

He’s the historian who has correctly predicted nearly every election winner since 1984 (he got the 2000 Gore/Bush election wrong.)

Now, he’s giving his two cents on the matter of replacing Biden.

And, he says it would be a “huge mistake” for Democrats to replace Joe Biden — even after his disastrous debate performance last Thursday.

Watch what he told CNN:

USA Today said:

Allan Lichtman, the historian who has correctly forecast the results of nine out of the 10 most recent presidential elections argued on Saturday that replacing President Joe Biden could cost Democrats the 2024 election.

Lichtman, a professor at American University, rejected the growing chorus of political pundits and Democratic activists who have called on Biden, 81, to bow out of the presidential race after his disastrous debate performance last week against former President Donald Trump. The pivotal moment brought fresh questions about Biden’s age and ability to serve a second term.

“It’s a huge mistake. They’re not doctors. They don’t know whether Biden is physically capable of carrying out a second term or not,” Lichtman said during an interview with CNN of calls to replace Biden. “This is all foolhardy nonsense.”

Lichtman has correctly predicted the outcome of almost every election over the last half century, except for the race in 2000, using a series of 13 historical factors or “keys.”

Now, I’m all for this.

Biden would be the easiest candidate for President Trump to defeat this November — and, I really don’t want to see any of these other people in the White House:

Joe Biden’s Replacement Announced?

But -- expert or not -- I don't agree with Lichtman that the Democrats have the best chance of winning by keeping Joe Biden in the race.

That is, unless, Biden is key to their plans for cheating, again.

What do you think?


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