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LEGO Doubles Down on Targeting Kids: Releases Gay Pride Video With Drag Queens and Fetishes

Is it time to boycott LEGO?

Let’s take a look, shall we?

2019 – they released a Trafalgar Square set that snuck in a rainbow flag.

2021 – released the 1st gay Lego set “Everyone is Awesome”.

2022 – launched the “A-Z of Awesome’, an ongoing gay campaign that would last “until 2023”. (Think it stopped?)  It promoted trans characters for ages 5 and up

2023 – In June they faced backlash from last years pro-trans on kids once word got spread on Twitter.

2024 – Did Lego learn their lesson? Nope! They released a “Pride Parade” video, complete with animal fetishes, called ‘furries’. (This has the warning signs to be a gateway to bestiality)

I’m guessing they’re hoping no one will notice and cause an uproar since it’s the end of the ‘Pride month’.

They’re after the kids and they’re not stopping.

Washington Examiner reports:

The Lego Group released a “mini stories” Instagram video called “Pride Parade” on Thursday.

“These dazzling minifigures are ready for Pride with their very own spectacular Pride celebration!” the post said alongside an Instagram video with the hashtags #LEGO #Pride #Celebration #LGBTQIA.

The stop-motion animated video shows Lego people gathering on a makeup table in a bedroom. A Lego person throws a Lego piece on the floor to magically create a rainbow slide from the table to the floor which helps them slide down to join other colorful rainbow-themed LGBT Lego people.

The Instagram video cuts to other Lego characters wearing animal heads, which some people on social media identified as “furries.” The animal Lego people went to greet a crowd that was having a Pride party on top of a Roomba vacuum.

The celebratory Lego people danced around on top of the Roomba, which then transformed into the shape of a Lego birthday cake. Rainbow-colored confetti was released into the air over the Lego Pride party.

The words “Happy Pride” popped up at the close of the video in bold white and rainbow letters.

The Lego Pride video is not the first time that the toy company has celebrated lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender pride.

Their 2024 ‘Pride Parade’ video:

So, who wants the gay marriage playset?

Remember, that’s all they wanted.

“Just let us get married!”…



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