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Trump Narrows VP List to Three Finalists

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Right before a rally in Philadelphia, Trump had announced that he had already made up his mind.

Looks like he’s picked his VP.

But who could it be?

Reports are coming in that the list of contenders for this coveted number two spot has been narrowed down.

The three possible candidates are:

North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum.

Ohio Senator J.D. Vance.

Florida Senator Marco Rubio.

That’s it, apparently.

Hey, where’s Pence on that list?

For those that don’t know, the first one pictured above is Doug Burgum, then J.D. Vance and Marco Rubio.

The Gateway Pundit reports:

Anticipation over selection over who President Trump will select as his running-mate reached fever pitch over the weekend as the 45th President proclaimed just before a rally in Philadelphia he had already made the pick in his mind.

Now, reports have emerged that the list of contenders for the coveted number two spot has narrowed.

NewsNation has learned Trump has finalized his list to three candidates: North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum, Ohio Senator J.D. Vance, and Florida Senator Marco Rubio. CNN and NBC have also revealed the same three names are finalists on Trump’s list.

Trump’s original list also included Senators Tim Scott (R-SC) and Tom Cotton (R-AR), Representatives Byron Donalds (R-FL) and Elise Stefanik (R-NY), as well as former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson in addition to the three finalists.

NBC further reports that the choice will likely come down to Burgum and Vance. NBC notes that Burgum has made a massive impression on Trump, particularly with his loyalty, looks, and wealth.

Another point in Burgum’s favor is that his understated demeanor means there’s no risk of him outshining the 45th President. Trump wants workhorses to help advance his agenda, not folks looking to rush to the cameras.

Moreover, Burgum will also be in attendance at Trump’s debate with Joe Biden this Thursday according to NewsNation. This is potentially significant because Trump has said that his pick would be at the showdown.

It is unknown at this point whether Vance and Rubio will be in attendance as well.

Here’s Doug Burgum recently on CNN:

Sounds like Burgum really helped turn around his state.

Who’s your choice, even if not on this list?

NATIONAL POLL: Who Is Your Top Choice For Trump’s VP?



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