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Melinda Gates Reveals Who She’s Backing In 2024 Election

Melinda Gates speaking to staff at the UK's Department for International Development, London, 18 October 2010

Philanthropist and ex-wife of Bill Gates, Melinda Gates, has revealed who she’s voting for in the 2024 presidential election.

Gates, in an interview with CBS, shared, “I absolutely am not voting for Trump, and I will vote for Biden,”

She continued, “Women turned out in the mid-term elections and said, ‘This is enough.’ And we’ve gotta do it again.”

Last month, Melinda Gates announced she was stepping down from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

In 2021, Melinda Gates announced her divorce from Bill and later, in an interview, blamed Bill’s questionable behavior and friendship with Jeffrey Epstein played a part in the two splitting.

Check out what CBS reported:

Philanthropist Melinda French Gates is encouraging women to make their voices heard at the polls, underscoring the importance of turnout in determining the 2024 presidential election’s outcome.

“Women turned out in the mid-term elections and said, ‘This is enough.’ And we’ve gotta do it again,” French Gates told “CBS Mornings” co-host Gayle King in an exclusive interview airing on Tuesday, June 18.

When asked if she plans to campaign or endorse a particular candidate, French Gates confirmed, “More than likely, yes.”

French Gates said that she has voted for both Republican and Democratic candidates in the past, but she said she can’t support a candidate who she says undermines women’s reproductive rights and speaks offensively about women.

“I absolutely am not voting for Trump, and I will vote for Biden,” said French Gates.

The Hill covered Melinda’s announcement too:

Melinda French Gates revealed she plans to vote for President Biden over former President Trump in November, pointing to the former president’s past remarks on women and reproductive rights.
When asked by “CBS Mornings” co-host Gayle King if she will campaign or endorse a particular candidate, French Gates said, “More than likely, yes.”

French Gates, a philanthropist and the ex-wife of Microsoft founder Bill Gates, was then asked if she could share who that candidate “might be,” to which she said, “Well, I don’t think it would be any surprise.”

“I think — first of all, I think it’s really important to say that I have voted in some elections Republican and some elections Democratic,” French Gates said. “But in this election, I cannot vote for a man who rolls back women’s reproductive rights and says the heinous things that he says about women. So, I absolutely am not voting for Trump, and I will vote for Biden.”

She told King it is up to women to show up to the polls in November as they did during the midterms.


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