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‘Shh Don’t Tell Your Parents’ – Teacher Secretly Drives Student To Life Altering Procedure

The school system is completely insane.

If teachers aren’t choking your kids because they don’t give them pushups like its boot camp…

If they’re not grooming your kids or trying to hook up with them…

If students aren’t literally breaking off a piece of their skull (yes, that happened to Kaylee Gain, read about it here. Surgery is reattaching it)…

If they’re not doing the above, then they’re giving your kids secret trips to abortion clinics.

That’s right.

“Shhhh, don’t tell anyone. Parent’s consent is sooo last decade. I’ll give you a ride to get an abortion.”

Well, that’s what one teacher did (name unreleased, gotta protect these teachers apparently) in New Hampshire.

Liberal teachers try to hard to relate, be cool, and ‘connect’ with kids.

This seems to be the end game of ‘morality is relative’.

Well, we’ve arrived.

And it’s ugly, bloody and deadly.

Time to turn around and go back to morality.

Fox News reports:

A New Hampshire public school teacher was recently fired after allegedly using sick leave to drive a student to an abortion clinic during school hours.

The New Hampshire Department of Education investigated the matter. A report on the incident, which redacts names of those involved, claims the teacher called in sick to work with food poisoning. The teacher later admitted to the school they had not been sick and “went with a student to a medical appointment,” according to the report.

The teacher and student had “been conversing for 2.5 weeks regarding the medical appointment,” according to the report. The teacher allegedly assisted the student with determining “how far along they were.” Included in the report is language indicating the teacher located “a safe facility” for the student and offered to accompany them.

School officials later terminated the teacher, according to the report. While the document does not specify the nature of the student’s procedure, multiple state lawmakers told the NH Journal they believe it was an abortion.

I am horrified to hear that a teacher in our New Hampshire schools felt the right way to help a pregnant student who felt unsupported in her pregnancy was to research abortion facilities and call out sick to take a student to an abortion rather than to help her speak with her parents and find support from her family,” state Rep. Erica Layon, R-Derry, told the publication.

The death cult gets another victim.

All while calling out sick, too. So, did she get paid for that?

But that’s probably just one school, right?


The report his here.


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