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Vice President Of Malawi Dies In Tragic Plane Crash

Malawi’s Vice President and nine other people were killed in a plane crash on Tuesday.

Vice President of Malawi Saulos Chilima, who was predicted to be the next president of Malawi, died after the military plane he was flying in crashed shortly after the plane took off at 09:17 a.m.

Less than half an hour after taking off, the plane Chilima was flying in went off the radar, prompting President Lazarus Chakwera to issue a search and rescue operation.

In a statement, President Chakwera shared, “I’m deeply saddened; I’m sorry to inform you all that it has turned out to be a terrible tragedy. The search and rescue team has found the aircraft near a hill. They have found it completely destroyed with no survivors.”

Here’s what Reuters reported:

Malawi’s Vice President Saulos Klaus Chilima and nine other people were killed when the military plane they were traveling on crashed, President Lazarus Chakwera said on Tuesday.

The aircraft carrying Chilima, who was seen as a potential candidate in next year’s presidential election, went missing on Monday.

“I’m deeply saddened, I’m sorry to inform you all that it has turned out to be a terrible tragedy. The search and rescue team has found the aircraft near a hill. They have found it completely destroyed with no survivors,” Chakwera said in an address to the nation.

The plane left the capital Lilongwe at 09:17 a.m. (0717 GMT) on Monday but was unable to land at Mzuzu airport as scheduled at 10:02 a.m. due to poor visibility.

It was ordered to return to Lilongwe but went off the radar and aviation authorities could not make contact with it.
Chakwera said all passengers on board were killed on impact and that the military was bringing their remains back to the capital.

Per CBS:

Malawi’s Vice President Dr. Saulos Chilima and 9 other people including his wife were killed when the plane they were travelling in crashed in the Chikangawa mountain range, the government said Tuesday. President Lazarus Chakwera declared Tuesday a national day of mourning.

“Unfortunately, all on board have perished in the crash,” the Office of the President and Cabinet said in a Tuesday morning statement. The confirmation came after more than a day-long search effort in a forested area in the mountains of northern Malawi. The military plane crashed Monday morning after it took off from the country’s capital Lilongwe.

Chilima, 51, and the other passengers had been headed to attend the funeral of the country’s former attorney general when their plane dropped off radar. Air traffic officials said the plane had been unable to land at Mzuzu airport, about 200 miles north of the capital, due to poor visibility, and the pilot had been advised to return to Lilongwe when the flight disappeared.

And I’m sure it has absolutely NOTHING to do with this:

There is NO conspiracy theory to see here!

Please disperse!  Please disperse!

Why do they all seem to always cover one eye?

Is that like a hidden sign or something?



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