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EXPOSED: Biden’s DOJ Charges Doctor Regarding SECRET Child Trans Surgery – Not What You Think


So, Biden’s DOJ finally does something right?

They’re going after a doctor regarding mutilating children?

Yeah it is regarding that.

But the specific reason is because this doctor EXPOSED that the hospital was doing secret surgeries on kids.

Dr. Ethan Haim is a whistleblower and a hero.

And the DOJ couldn’t allow that!

So they filed criminal charges against him.

Fox News reports:

The Department of Justice filed criminal charges against a whistleblower after he exposed a Texas hospital that was allegedly secretly conducting gender-affirming care on minors.

Dr. Eithan Haim, a surgeon who completed his residency at the Texas Children’s Hospital, was accused of HIPAA violations and has been indicted on four felony charges. Haim has vowed to fight the charges and suggested the DOJ is corrupt.

“They wanted to intimidate me into silence using every technique the federal leviathan had at their disposal. But they failed,” Haim wrote Thursday on X. “The only way to lose is to submit to corruption. It’s time to fight back harder than ever!”

In a statement to Fox News Digital, Haim’s attorney, Marcella Burke, said, “My client is anxious to get to trial to get his side of the story told. I am confident this will result in the correct decision being made.”

Haim leaked documents to journalist Christopher Rufo in May 2023 showing that the Texas Children’s Hospital continued operating its child gender clinic against state law after they claimed it had been shut down.

Rufo previously stressed that none of the documents he obtained from Haim included patients’ personal information at the clinic.

U.S. marshals earlier this week visited Haim’s home to hand him a summons and instruct him to appear in court to face the indictments.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton released an opinion in February 2022 that stated gender-affirming care for kids could be a form of child abuse under state law. The following month, Texas Children’s Hospital issued a statement saying it would stop all treatments and surgeries on children related to transgenderism.

In a piece published in the City Journal, Haim claimed that three days after the announcement, a surgeon implanted a hormone device in an 11-year-old girl who was experiencing gender dysphoria.


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