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Trump’s Conviction Makes Him Lose 2nd Amendment Rights

President Trump’s conviction in his Hush Money trial has caused him to lose his Second Amendment Rights.

Trump, who was convicted on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records, has officially lost his ability to own and handle firearms.

The 1968 Gun Control Act “bars those convicted of crimes punishable by up to one year in prison from buying or possessing firearms or ammunition.”

Trump may regain his Second Amendment rights back if he can successfully appeal his conviction.


Here’s what Bearing Arms reported:

Donald Trump has officially been convicted by a jury in what I consider to be the biggest political show trial to ever take place in this country; guilty on 34 felony charges of falsifying business records. I encourage you to check out all of my colleagues at sites like HotAir, RedState, and Townhall for extensive coverage on the verdict, its impact, and the aftermath. Most of that will fall outside of our Second Amendment content, but there is one angle worth talking about… even if it’s probably not Trump’s biggest concern at the moment.

While his felony conviction may or may not have an impact on his electoral chances (and quite possibly end up working to his advantage), it’s now officially resulted in Trump losing his Second Amendment rights. In fact, for the first time in U.S. history there’s a very good chance that the next commander-in-chief will be in charge of the military while prohibited from touching a firearm or a round of ammunition.

I think there’s an incredibly strong change that Trump’s conviction will be thrown out on appeal, but that could still be years away. In the meantime, the Supreme Court is probably Trump’s best bet to keep his Second Amendment rights intact, and the Court’s impeding decision in U.S. v. Rahimi provides a perfect vehicle for the justices to give Trump and others convicted of non-violent felonies relief from current federal law.

In Rahimi, the justices are expected to decide whether someone subject to a domestic violence restraining order can be prohibited from possessing or purchasing a firearm. We don’t know how the Court will rule, but it’s certainly not out of the question that a majority will conclude that Zachey Rahimi and others in similar circumstances can be barred from owning a gun; not solely because of a domestic violence restraining order, but based on a particularized finding of “dangerousness”.

The HuffPost added these details:

Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump lost his right to buy or possess firearms and ammunition Thursday after a Manhattan jury convicted him on 34 counts of falsifying business records to conceal payments to keep a porn star quiet during the 2016 presidential election.

Trump has long enjoyed strong support from the largely conservative gun rights movement, repeatedly addressing gatherings of the National Rifle Association and recently vowing to roll back firearm restrictions that the Biden administration had pushed through the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

Those facing federal indictments, as Trump has since last year, cannot legally buy firearms. But Trump was allowed to retain the guns he previously owned while the cases moved forward without running afoul of the law, provided he did not transport them across state lines.

With his 34 felony convictions, however, Trump is now officially a prohibited person.

The Gun Control Act of 1968 bars those convicted of crimes punishable by up to one year in prison from buying or possessing firearms or ammunition. Trump’s convictions are each punishable by sentences up to four years in prison, though he has yet to be sentenced.


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