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Jill Biden’s Outrageous Predictions on the Debate

Jill Biden recently appeared on The View, and was asked about her husband’s low poll numbers.

She said, ‘Joe’s been traveling a lot, and we’re not taking anything for granted.

I’m assuming that means he’s not taking naps for granted.

‘And those polls are going to turn, I’m confident of it.’

Sounds like she’s dreaming.

I wonder what they’re planning to believe that Biden could win?

Remember when the Republicans went on a rampage to remove everyone’s rights?

Me neither.

But don’t worry.

Jill knows what’s ‘really’ going on.

In this clip Jill is asked what can be said to gaslight the people to believe things are good in this country.

Washington Examiner reports:

First lady Jill Biden said during an appearance on The View that her husband’s poor poll numbers “are going to turn” this election year.

Co-host Alyssa Farah Griffin pressed the first lady on what she sees as the outlook concerning President Joe Biden getting beaten in key polls just five months out from November’s election.

“Consistently, we’re seeing poll after poll that are showing Trump beating your husband outside of the margin of error, when in fact, last time in 2020, Joe Biden was beating him in nearly every poll. How do you turn those numbers around with five months out? And are you fearful of what a second Trump term could look like?” Griffin asked.

“We are going to meet people where they are. We’re going to go to college campuses and go to just every state we can get into,” the first lady said.

Biden added, “Joe has been traveling as much as possible, and we’re not going to take anything for granted. And those polls are going to turn, I’m confident of it.”

“I believe that Americans are going to choose good over evil,” she said on Wednesday.

Polls have consistently shown Trump and Biden within single digits of each other with the former president beating Biden in swing states that Biden had won in 2020. Trump is currently leading Biden across the country, according to a RealClearPolitics polling average.

Gateway Pundit adds:

“Dr.” Jill Biden unsurprisingly made a fool on the View Wednesday after trying to gaslight America on her husband’s “intelligence” and “mental acuity” while taking a cheap shot at President Trump.

As TVline reported, the so-called First Lady was a guest on the infamous show ostensibly to plug her new children’s book Willow the White House Cat , but the subject promptly turned to politics and the upcoming Presidential election.

Biden opened by swatting away pointed questions from the hosts regarding whether her husband is too old to be president and how he can turn around his garbage poll numbers. She characterized the election as a battle of good vs. evil while warning a new Trump turn would mean violence and a bloodbath.

“You have to believe him (Trump,)” Biden said. “when he uses words like ‘dictator,’ ‘bloodbath,’ ‘third term,’ ‘violence.’”

“We’ve seen it, so when he says these words, believe him, don’t think this isn’t going to happen.”

She then delivered a moment of unintentional hilarity when the subject turned to the upcoming debates between her husband and President Trump. Jill dared to declare that her dementia-addled husband would prove how smart and experienced he is before millions of people.

On the other hand, Jill predicted Trump would find himself unable to compose a sentence.


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