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JUST IN: Jack Smith Seeks SECOND Gag Order Against Trump

Special Counsel Jack Smith is once again attempting to SILENCE President Trump.

This time, it has to do with Trump’s claims that the FBI was authorized to assassinate him during the ‘classified docs’ raid on Mar-a-Lago back in 2022.

Last week, it was revealed that the FBI has authorization to use “deadly force” in the ridiculous raid on President Trump’s private property. Once news of this broke, Trump was FURIOUS and declared that agents were “locked and loaded ready to take me out and put my family in danger.”

Now, in a recent court filing, Jack Smith is denying those claims and asking a federal judge to issue a gag order against Trump preventing him from “falsely” suggesting that FBI agents “were complicit in a plot to assassinate” him.

Take a look at the breaking news:

Of course, Jack Smith already has one gag order on Trump as part of his election interference case.

President Trump responded to Jack Smith’s attempt to secure a second gag order against him:

Deadline reports:

Special Counsel Jack Smith is asking a federal judge to issue a partial gag order restricting Donald Trump from falsely claiming that FBI agents who searched his Mar-A-Lago estate in 2022 were part of a plot to assassinate him.

Smith’s team asked Judge Aileen Cannon to “take steps immediately to halt this dangerous campaign to smear law enforcement.”

Trump has posted repeatedly on social media that the FBI was “locked & loaded ready to take me out & put my family in danger.”

His comments were based on a filing in his criminal case on charges that he withheld government-owned classified documents and obstructed efforts to retrieve them. The filing was a standard form that outlined the Justice Department’s use-of-force policy in the search. It was amplified by right-wing media, including Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo, but refuted by other outlets, including Fox News White House correspondent Jacqui Heinrich, who reported that the standard policy also was used in the search of President Joe Biden’s home, along with other searches.

In their filing, Smith’s team wrote that “the FBI used a form that contains standard and unobjectionable language setting out the Department of Justice’s use-of-force policy, which prohibits the use of deadly force except ‘when the officer has a reasonable belief that the subject of such force poses an imminent danger of death or serious physical injury to the officer or to another person.’ … The inclusion of that policy is routine practice to restrict the use of force, and it is attached to countless warrants across the country. Moreover, as Trump is well aware, no force was used or threatened in executing the Mar-a-Lago search warrant: as planned, the FBI executed the search warrant in a professional and cooperative manner, at a time when Trump and his family were out of the state.”

The Hill added:

Special counsel Jack Smith in a Friday filing called on the judge overseeing former President Trump’s classified documents case to block Trump from speaking about the case in a way that could endanger law enforcement officials.

In his request, Smith asked the court to impose a condition that would bar Trump from making public statements that could “pose a significant, imminent, and foreseeable danger to the law enforcement agents participating in the investigation and prosecution of this case.”

“Whether a particular statement meets that test “must be determined by reference to the statement’s full context,” the filing reads. “But that condition would clearly prohibit further statements deceptively claiming that the agents involved in the execution of the search warrant were engaged in an effort to kill him, his family, or Secret Service agents.”

The move comes after the former president falsely claimed in an email Wednesday that President Biden was “locked & loaded and ready to take me out” — twisting language from the terms approved for law enforcement as they prepared to search his Mar-a-Lago residence for classified records in 2022.


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