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Wheel Of Fortune Contestant Goes Viral After Bizarre Answer

A Wheel of Fortune contestant went viral after giving a bizarre guess to a phrase on the show.

During a recent airing of Wheel of Fortune, a man who goes by the name Tavaris was given the phrase  “_ _ _ _ I_ T_E B_ _T!” to answer.

After taking a second to think, Tavaris hit the buzzer and guessed the phrase was “Right in the butt?”

Tavaris’ answer immediately drew laughter from the crowd; host Pat Sajak, however, told Tavaris he was wrong.

Another contestant guessed the phrase correctly, which was “This is the best!”

Watch the hilarious moment here:

Per People:

Things are getting a little NSFW on the Wheel of Fortune!

During Thursday, May 23’s episode, a contestant named Tavaris had the audience laughing with his “Phrase” category guess — and left host Pat Sajak, 77, equally surprised in a video shared on X (formerly known as Twitter).

Contestants were left to solve the puzzle and fill in the following missing letters, “_ _ _ _ I_ T_E B_ _T!”

“Right in the butt?” Tavaris, from Port St. Lucie, Florida, guessed, seemingly unaware of the fact “right” has five letters, not four.

While the audience and his fellow contestants laughed, Sajak simply responded, “No.”

Per NBC News:

“Wheel of Fortune” just had another laugh-out-loud moment.

With longtime host Pat Sajak‘s final episode fast approaching, the May 23 episode started off with a hilarious moment when a contestant named Tavaris made a daring guess when solving a “Phrase” puzzle.

As the letters appeared on the board, he said, “Right in the butt!” before making an “oops” face.

“What?!” a stunned fellow contestant said as the audience gasped and laughed.

Many people were comparing this moment to an absolutely CLASSIC moment from the old Newlyweds game.

Does anyone remember this?

Stay classy now!


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