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View Co-Host Calls Latinos Supporting Trump Very Stupid

The View co-host Ana Navarro bashed Latinos supporting Trump in an appearance on CNN.

While speaking about Trump’s rally in the Bronx, Navarro stated, “There are some Latino immigrants who forget they came here as immigrants and who want to shut the door behind them.”

She added, “That’s a very stupid attitude to have.”

Watch the moment she said it here:

Per Fox News:

“The View” co-host Ana Navarro condemned fellow Latinos for supporting Trump after the former president courted diverse voters at a rally in New York, saying they had a “very stupid attitude” about immigration.

“There are some Latino immigrants who forget they came here as immigrants and who want to shut the door behind them, and who think being anti-immigrant somehow is going to make them pass as more American, pass as whatever,”

Navarro said on CNN, where she is a commentator. “And that’s a very stupid attitude to have.”Navarro then cited the 2019 mass shooting by a gunman targeting Hispanics in El Paso, Texas, in an effort to shame Latino GOP supporters. “What folks don’t realize is that when the guy drives thousands of miles to go hunt down Latinos in a Walmart in Texas, he doesn’t care when you came here. He doesn’t care what your accent is,” she said. “What he’s looking for is, does it look like me, does it sound like me? That’s what he’s looking for. So, you know, when people are anti-something, they’re not asking for your papers, they’re just anti-that group.”

Here’s what the Daily Mail reported:

CNN’s Ana Navarro has criticized fellow Latinos who support Donald Trump, labeling their attitudes towards immigration as ‘very stupid.’

Navarro suggested that some Latino immigrants seem to forget their own roots and mistakenly believe that being anti-immigrant will help them assimilate better into American society.

Speaking on CNN on Friday night, the anti-Trump Republican expressed her frustration with such a mindset, saying it only serves to highlight how it contributes to a divisive atmosphere.


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