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Trump Lawyers Seek To Block New Film

President Trump’s lawyers are seeking to block the new film “The Apprentice” for its false portrayal of the 45th President.

Trump’s team of lawyers sent a cease-and-desist letter to the producers of the new new bio-pic due to it depicting him in a bad light.

One scene in the new movie shows Trump raping his first wife, Ivana Trump.

Trump spokesperson Steven Cheung stated the film is “garbage and pure fiction which sensationalizes lies that have been long debunked.”

In response to the cease-and-desist letter, the film’s producers claimed the movie is “a fair and balanced portrait of the former president.”

The Guardian had these details to report:

Lawyers for Donald Trump have sent a cease-and-desist letter to the producers of The Apprentice in an attempt to block its US sale and release after the film – which depicts the former US president raping his first wife – shocked audiences at its world premiere at the Cannes film festival.

The Trump campaign said earlier this week they would take legal action against Ali Abbasi’s film, with spokesperson Stephen Cheung vowing “to address the blatantly false assertions from these pretend film-makers”.

“This garbage is pure fiction which sensationalises lies that have been long debunked,” Cheung told Variety on Monday. “This ‘film’ is pure malicious defamation, should not see the light of day, and doesn’t even deserve a place in the straight-to-DVD section of a bargain bin at a soon-to-be-closed discount movie store. It belongs in a dumpster fire.”

Dan Snyder, the former owner of the NFL’s Washington Commanders as well as a billionaire backer of the film and a Trump supporter, is also said to be preparing his own cease-and-desist letter to block a US distribution deal. Snyder, who invested in The Apprentice believing that it would paint a positive portrait of Trump, was reportedly “furious” after viewing a rough cut of the film, Variety reported.

Per Variety:

Attorneys for Donald Trump have sent a cease and desist letter to the filmmakers behind “The Apprentice” in an effort to block its U.S. sale and release. It warns the team behind the film not to pursue a distribution deal, according to two people who have read the letter. “The Apprentice,” which looks at Trump’s early years as a real estate developer and his relationship with Roy Cohn, premiered at the Cannes Film Festival this week.

“The film is a fair and balanced portrait of the former president,” the producers of the film said in a statement regarding the cease-and-desist letter. “We want everyone to see it and then decide.”

The movie, which was independently produced, stars Sebastian Stan as Trump and Jeremy Strong as Cohn. It presents a damning portrait of the former president as an ethically compromised, philanderer who stiffs contractors and cuts deals with the mob to get his buildings completed. It includes other controversial details, including a scene where Trump rapes his first wife, Ivana, and depicts him abusing amphetamines to lose weight, as well as undergoing liposuction and plastic surgery.


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