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Pastor At Trump Rally Calls AOC A False Prophet

President Trump invited Rev. Ruben Diaz Sr. to the stage during his most recent rally in the Bronx, and while on stage, Rev. Diaz called Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez a false prophet.

Rev. Diaz stated, “I want to tell AOC. This morning, she intended to become a prophet, and she said, “‘Even God doesn’t want Trump in the Bronx because it’s going to rain.'”

Diaz continued, “Madam AOC, you have become a false prophet; look at the beautiful day.”

Here’s the moment Rev. Diaz said it:

Rev. Diaz’s comment was a response to AOC’s tweet below:

AOC live-streamed her own reaction to the Pastor’s comments.

Watch it here:

Rev. Diaz previously ran for Congress, according to the New York Post:

The city’s top law enforcement union has endorsed controversial conservative Democratic Councilman Rev. Ruben Diaz Sr. for an open congressional seat in the south Bronx.

The Police Benevolent Association said Diaz is its favored choice in a crowded field of 10 Democratic candidates running in the June 23 primary in the 15th congressional district to replace veteran Rep. Jose Serrano, who is retiring.

Other candidates include Councilman Ritchie Torres, former Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, Assemblyman Michael Blake, Councilman Ydanis Rodriguez and community activist Samelys Lopez, who is backed by lefty firebrand Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who represents the adjacent 14th congressional district.

“Your commitment to public and law enforcement are well recognized, and it would be an honor to have you representing our members in Congress,” PBA president Patrick Lynch said in a letter to Diaz.


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