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“IT’S TRUE” Illegal Turkish Immigrant Admits Paying Cartel $10000 To Cross, Agrees With Americans

In a shocking confession, a Turkish immigrant openly admitted to unlawfully crossing the U.S. southern border.

He admits that any “psychopath” could exploit this flawed system.

The unnamed migrant revealed he shelled out about $10,000 to a cartel to make his way into the U.S. via Jacumba.

So there’s an eyewitness that the cartel are part of the driving force in this illegal immigration operation.

This border crisis needs to come to an end.

Newsweek reports:

A Turkish migrant admitted to a journalist that he crossed the U.S. southern border illegally, warning that any “psychopath” could enter the country under similar circumstances.

The unnamed migrant told Fox News’ Bill Melugin that he paid a cartel roughly $10,000 and sold everything he owned to enter the U.S. through Jacumba, California, part of San Diego County.

“In fact, American people is right, completely true. Who comes into this country? They don’t know. OK, I’m good. But how if they’re not good? How if they’re killers, psychopath, else? No guarantee of that,” said the Turk, adding that people aside from himself are “not normal.”

Asked if he was stopped by any federal agents, the man replied that there was “no security check, no background check.”

The migrant described an intensive 24-day journey that led him across the world, through multiple countries and continents. He traveled through Qatar, Dubai, Egypt, South Africa and Brazil before he arrived in Central America and later Mexico to reach his ultimate destination.

Melugin, who posted a video of the verbal exchange on his X feed, added that the migrant also told him that he previously attempted to enter the country legally and ran into too many pitfalls.

The man was “rejected for visa multiple times so just decided to walk across illegally & was stunned at how easy it was,” Melugin wrote.

The Los Angeles Times reported that San Diego County is home to one of the busiest border sectors, with 37,370 migrants crossing there in April.

A longtime critic of the federal government’s role in exacerbating rising numbers in San Diego County and the U.S. is San Diego County Supervisor Jim Desmond, who this week was the lone official on the county’s five-member board to vote against a local $19 million migrant processing center.

“This decision reflects my unwavering stance that we cannot continue to merely pass the problem of illegal immigration onto other parts of the country, thereby becoming complicit in the Biden administration’s failure to enforce immigration laws effectively,” Desmond told Newsweek in a statement.

He called the ongoing immigration problem “unprecedented,” alluding to more than 147,000 street releases in San Diego in the past eight months.

El Cajon Mayor Bill Wells told Newsweek this month that the San Diego sector’s crossings in April surpassed all other sectors in border encounters for the first time in 25 years. The 37,370 encounters were higher than numbers in Tucson (31,240), El Paso (30,410) and Del Rio (10,275).

And this problem has spreads beyond the border.

Here’s Idaho:


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