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Hunter Biden Gun Case: Judge Issues Ruling Regarding Evidence, Laptop

In a courtroom Judge Maryellen Noreika delivered her verdict regarding the Hunter Biden gun case.

She stated what evidence will make the cut.

This includes putting a lid on special counsel David Weiss’s freedom to point out Biden’s previous purchases.

The scene unfolded in Delaware, where Biden and his legal eagle Abbe Lowell, asked the judge to limit what could be used against them.

Very interesting. I don’t think it will help his case much anyhow.

Oh, by the way.

Remember that laptop the media said was a fake, not Biden’s and a conspiracy theory?

It’s now evidence.

Washington Examiner reports:

A judge on Friday handed out rulings on evidence attorneys will be able to use in Hunter Biden‘s gun trial, including limiting the types of references special counsel David Weiss can make to the first son’s past spending habits.

Judge Maryellen Noreika issued the decisions during a hearing in Delaware, where Biden appeared with his attorney Abbe Lowell and asked the judge to place certain exclusions on the material Weiss could use against him at trial.

Norieika, a Donald Trump appointee, granted some of the first son’s requests, known as “motions in limine,” but she denied others, according to the Associated Press.

In court papers ahead of the hearing, Biden’s attorneys asked the judge to prohibit prosecutors from referencing his past “extravagant lifestyle,” including references to “lavish” spending or money spent on pornography and strippers. Weiss alleged Biden spent “wildly” on these types of expenses in a separate criminal tax case.

Biden, a recovering drug addict, said such references would be too prejudicial to a jury, but he also acknowledged that any evidence showing drug purchases, cash withdrawals, or the purchase of the revolver at the center of his charges would be fair game.

Noreika largely agreed with Biden but noted that he could open himself up to expanding what evidence becomes relevant should he choose to testify in his own defense.

“There’s a number of issues that may become more contentious should Mr. Biden testify,” Noreika said.

Weiss has charged Biden with three felonies related to a 2018 gun purchase, alleging he lied on a federal form about his drug use to buy a revolver and that he then illegally possessed the revolver for several days. Biden has pleaded not guilty to the charges.

Prosecutors said in court filings that they plan to use evidence federal investigators extracted from Biden’s computer data against him, but Biden has repeatedly challenged the authenticity of the data as well as raised concerns with the government’s methods of obtaining it.


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