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Dismiss Case DENIED: Alec Baldwin Heads to Trial for ‘Rust’ Manslaughter

It turns out that Alec Baldwin will face trial for involuntary manslaughter afterall.

This in regarding the tragic 2021 death of “Rust” cinematographer Halyna Hutchins.

Despite Baldwin’s attempt to toss the case, a New Mexico judge shut him down.

Still claiming he’s innocent, Baldwin will now have to prepare for trial.

This actor’s courtoom showdown is scheduled for July.

Will there be an evidence coming forward that will clear his name?

Or will he be guilty for murder?

NBC News reports:

Alec Baldwin is set to stand trial on a charge of involuntary manslaughter in the 2021 killing of “Rust” cinematographer Halyna Hutchins after a New Mexico judge denied the actor’s bid to dismiss the case Friday.

Baldwin, who has pleaded not guilty, is set to go to trial in July.

“We look forward to our day in court,” Luke Nikas and Alex Spiro, attorneys for Alec Baldwin, said in a statement Friday.

Judge Mary Marlowe’s decision comes after she heard oral arguments from Baldwin lawyers and prosecutors in a Santa Fe court on May 17.

During that hearing, special prosecutor Kari T. Morrissey said, referring to Baldwin, that “the actor has responsibility for the firearms once it is in their hands.”

But Baldwin’s attorneys argued that the case should be tossed because Morrissey failed to present critical evidence during a grand jury proceeding in January that resulted in Baldwin’s indictment on the manslaughter charge.

The charge of involuntary manslaughter carries a maximum prison sentence of 18 months upon conviction.

Hutchins was killed Oct. 21, 2021, as Baldwin rehearsed a scene on the “Rust” set.

It’s a tragic death that didn’t need to happen.

I wonder if this had anything to do with it:

Here’s Baldwin when he first heard that Hutchins died:


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