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Super Bowl Champ Backs President Trump

Antonio Brown is known for being one of the most outspoken NFL players of all time.

Most recently, in an interview with Nick Adams on the OutKick, Brown goes on to explain why he plans to endorse President Trump in the upcoming election.

Aside from the pardons and commutations President Trump granted during his final time in the Oval Office, Fox News expands on his reasoning:

“I’ve never met him. I’ve got admiration for his business moves and I study his dad Fred Trump. But, I think Donald Trump is a good businessman and come[s] from a good family and has been a good president,” Brown told Adams.

“I think he does some great things for my brothers in the music industry in regards to Lil Wayne, Kodak [Black].”

Brown is not the only one who received pardons from President Trump, the list is quite extensive, covered by Fox News:

Just a few weeks after the meeting, Wayne was charged with felony gun possession. He proceeded to enter a guilty plea. At the time, the music star faced up to a decade in prison.

But, Wayne’s sentencing never happened, as the hip-hop artist was among the 143 pardons and commutation announced by the former president on his final day in office. On Jan. 21, 2021, Wayne thanked Trump for granting his pardon.

Desiree Perez, the CEO of Jay-Z’s entertainment company Roc Nation and founder of Death Row Records, was also on the list of individuals who received pardons or commutations.

This is not the first time Brown has backed President Trump in recent days:

While Brown may have had a roller coaster of a career, it does show Trump’s relationship within the celebrity and music industry is strong.


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