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Schumer’s Border Bill Fails Again: Loses More Support

Alright, here’s the scoop.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer took another swing at passing his so-called border bill this week, and guess what?

It crashed and burned even harder than last time.

This bill?

Yeah, it does zilch to secure the border and instead puts all its chips on processing illegal border crossers.

Anyone surprised?

And then Schumer goes on to blame the Republicans.

Classic Democrat move.

Gateway Pundit stated:

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) tried once again to pass his so-called border bill this week and it went down in flames with even less support than the last time it was introduced.

This is the bill that does nothing to secure the border, while placing a priority on the processing of illegal border crossers.

Leave it to Democrats to push a border bill that doesn’t actually address the real problem.

Fox News reports:

The Senate failed to advance a border bill backed by some Democrats and Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., on Thursday, seeing the measure garner less support than it did in February when it was first considered.

By a vote of 43-50, senators chose not to advance the bill, which was negotiated in a bipartisan nature by Sens. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., Kyrsten Sinema, I-Ariz., and James Lankford, R-Okla.

Both Lankford and Sinema sided against their own legislation, a departure from their previous votes.

In a speech ahead of the vote, Sinema denounced political theater on both sides of the aisle, hitting Republicans for turning their back on the bill and Democrats for choosing to bring it up again without working to gain support.

“Today, the Senate is proving what many Americans already think about Congress: that Senators come here for political games, not to deliver results,” Sinema said in a statement.

Lankford also slammed Democrats on the floor for reviving the bill for what he said was a political purpose.

“We all know the situation at the border is unacceptable and demands attention from Congress,” Schumer told his colleagues prior to the vote. “Democrats believe that, Republicans have been saying it, and that’s why three months ago we sat down with them to write a strong and necessary and bipartisan border security bill.”

Several Republicans held a press conference on Wednesday, during which they shredded the forthcoming vote, even claiming the measure was “worse than doing nothing” because of certain immigration provisions. Sen. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., slammed the planned vote as an “election year political stunt” to protect several vulnerable incumbent Democrats in swing states.

Here’s a classic example of projection.

It’s basically every single time with these people.


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