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Nintendo Announces Transgender Character Will Be In New Mario Game

Let the boycotts begin…

Nintendo Switch has announced a new remake of the hit video game “Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.”

In the announcement, the game creators also confirmed there would be a transgender character in the video game.

The trans character is named Vivian and originally appeared in the 2004 version of the game.

According to the game’s plot, Vivian was born a male but later identifies in the story as a female.

Here’s what The New York Post reported:

The Nintendo Switch remake of the iconic role-playing game “Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door” features a transgender character, the game’s creators confirmed.

The trans character, Vivian, originally appeared in the 2004 version of the game, which was released for Nintendo Game Cube.

In the new update of the game, released on Thursday, Vivian — who was born male — initially appears as a villain alongside her sisters, Marilyn and Bedlam.

The trio plot against plumber protagonist, Mario, before Vivian decides to leave her sisters behind due to their nonstop bullying.

“Truth is, it took me a while to realize I was their sister… not their brother,” Vivian states in the game. “Now their usual bullying feels heavier.”


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