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‘Die Hard’ Actor Slams Left’s ‘Hypocrisy,’ Says ‘Blacklisting Is A Real Thing’ For Hollywood Conservatives

While a handful of actors are willing to risk their livelihoods in order to publicly voice their conservative views, Hollywood is still seen as a leftist-dominated industry.

That might not be as accurate as it appears, though.

One prominent actor recently addressed the concept of “blacklisting,” which he said forces many right-wing entertainers to keep their political opinions to themselves out of fear of losing their jobs.

As Fox News reported:

Actor Robert Davi said there are plenty of “closeted conservatives” in Hollywood who are afraid to speak out because they live in fear.

Davi has been in several widely popular films, including playing Timothy Dalton-era James Bond villain Franz Sanchez in “License to Kill” and key roles in “The Goonies” and “Die Hard.” But in recent years Davi said he has been focused on independent projects and even had a hard time promoting his recent film, “Bardejov,” because mainstream Hollywood shuns anyone who expresses conservative views.

“I’ve always wanted to start a movement in SAG. You talk about diversity, equity and inclusion, except if you’re a conservative and you think differently. That’s the hypocrisy of the left,” Davi told Fox News Digital.

“The left is the most hypocritical group of people you’ll ever meet,” he continued. “I know for a fact there are closeted conservatives that are afraid to speak out.”

Davi, a classic cinema buff who yearns for an A-list celebrity to speak out the way Ronald Reagan did in the 1940s and ’50s, said modern Hollywood conservatives are put in a “fearful mindset” and afraid to speak their mind, which has resulted in a reluctance to express support for Israel.

“Just like in Hollywood, you can’t say, ‘I’m pro-Trump’ or ‘conservative,’ because you’ll get denigrated for it,” Davi said.

As a result, Davi feels many Hollywood bigwigs are simply petrified of being shunned by the industry.

“Blacklisting happens, blacklisting is a real thing,” he said, noting that outspoken liberals such as Robert De Niro don’t have to worry.

And he’s not the only one who has been sounding the alarm:

“Hercules” star Kevin Sorbo expressed similar concerns in an interview last year, as Yahoo reported:

He told FoxNews Digital: “It was sad to me, you know, my manager and agent for so many years said that we can’t get you jobs anymore, work with you because of you being a Christian, being a conservative.

“And I almost had to laugh at that because it’s an industry that screams for tolerance, and yet it’s a one-way street. It screams for freedom of speech. But Hollywood’s a one-way street as well. And that’s just too bad, you know. But I love the industry. I love the movies and TV.”

And here’s what actor Antonio Sabato Jr. had to say:


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