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Bronx Residents Ready for Change – Highly Anticipating President Trump Rally!

As President Trump continues to campaign, people throughout the New York area are excited to be next on the list.

Not only are people in New York excited for President Trump to visit, they are visibly frustrated with the state of the United States under Biden’s leadership.

This scenario is clearly evident thanks to interviews with South Bronx residents conducted by Rachel Campos-Duffy, co-host of β€œFox & Friends Weekend”.

Fox News adds a few of the more shocking quotes:

“Senior citizens cannot walk down the street. Our children are being killed. When you go to a grocery store, you can’t even buy anything anymore,” said Rev. Ruben Diaz Sr., president of New York’s Hispanic Clergy Association.

“I’m a Democrat. All my life I’ve been a Democrat, but Democrats have used us and abused us, they think that they own us. Donald Trump is giving us an opportunity.”

Another resident explained that Trump is showing a lot of respect to the Bronx by visiting despite it being a Democratic stronghold.

Another voter told Campos-Duffy that Republicans should be aware that just because voters are registered as Democrats, not all are voting for Democrat candidates.

“Black people and Hispanic people are very happy about him coming here, and they want to see the options, and they want to see Democrats step their game up. Republicans have an opportunity here that they can’t let go,” said a resident.

President Trump is set to hold a campaign rally in the Bronx in hopes of turning New York to a red state come November.

The rally will be held at 6 p.m. in Crotona Park, just a few blocks away from Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s district.

To say the people in the Bronx are fed up with AOC would be an understatement, here is a little insight to their feelings:

Many people have taken to X to show their excitement for a Trump rally in the Bronx:

While New York has been a blue state for quite some time, many people are more than ready for change, and they truly believe President Trump is the right man to do just that!


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