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Tragic: Fox Host Reveals Close Relative Was A Victim Of Gang Shooting In Harlem

Big-city violence has skyrocketed in recent years, with near-constant reports surfacing of unprovoked attacks against people from all walks of life, including the elderly, celebrities, and even young children.

That was apparently the case for the niece of one Fox Business Network anchor, as he revealed in an emotional on-air segment this week.

According to the Daily Caller:

Fox Business anchor Charles Payne revealed his niece was shot in Harlem a couple of weeks ago on “Fox & Friends” Wednesday.

His niece and her friend were shot on the street he grew up on two Mondays ago, Payne said. She was released from the hospital on Monday after undergoing four-hour surgery at Harlem Hospital.

“I wish he would go to Harlem. Two Mondays ago, my niece was shot on the street that I grew up on. My niece was shot on the street that I grew up on!” he said. “She doesn’t even hang out there; she doesn’t live there on the block anymore, but a good friend of mine who I’ve known for 45 years, her son passed away, and they were having a memorial for him, and so these guys — the gang violence is on the rise so much, it’s so underreported — so they come around with their masks, they’re shooting crazy, one third floor apartment was all busted up.”

Leftist leaders from Joe Biden down to local officials and prosecutors have been blamed for the troubling uptick in lawlessness and bloodshed.

Payne’s personal revelation came on the heels of reports that actor Steve Buscemi was assaulted on the street in New York City in what was apparently a random act of violence.

As the New York Post reported:

It seems no one is safe on the streets of the Big Apple these days — not even beloved hometown actor and Brooklyn native Steve Buscemi.

Buscemi, 66, was strolling through Kips Bay last week when a brute walked up and struck the “Boardwalk Empire” star in a broad-daylight attack — one of the latest unprovoked assaults in the five boroughs, law enforcement sources told The Post.

The actor suffered swelling to his face and left eye and was taken to Bellevue Hospital for treatment.

Here’s what one GOP lawmaker had to say about the crime statistics in Democrat-led jurisdictions:


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