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Former ABC President Conned by Squatters in California

Steve McPherson, former ABC President, recently learned the hard way to not rent out a home in California.

McPherson admits to losing millions of dollars in rent and property damage after renting out his home during COVID.

While relocating to Napa Valley, McPherson rented his home to Gaurav Kumar Srivastava, an Indian businessman, with a six-month lease.

Unfortunately for McPherson and his family, Srivastava and his wife simply refused to move out of the home.

Not only did the renters refuse to leave, the housekeeper found most of the furniture was missing and even a collection of vintage wines was missing as well.

Fox News adds comments from McPherson:

“My family was terrorized by this man. He held our home hostage for months without paying rent. He sold my furniture, broke into our wine cellar and ransacked our home,” McPherson recalled.

“Here was this fat, schlubby disgruntled guy in my own house glaring at me,” McPherson later described the encounter. He accused the squatter of lying to the police about his missing furniture and wine collection. He claims the property was never recovered.

McPherson filed a civil lawsuit against Srivastava, which accuses him of refusing to leave his home or pay rent.

In addition to the civil lawsuit, McPherson filed a criminal complaint, but the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office declined to press charges.

Now, you may be wondering at this point how no charges could be filed, and that answer is simple – the blue state’s laws on property rights.

Not only are the Democrats soft on squatters rights normally, it is well known that Srivastava and his wife run in prominent circles in Los Angeles.

Fox News adds more on Srivastava’s involvement in the Democratic Party:

Srivastava has given thousands of dollars to various Democratic campaigns, including large donations to the Biden campaign. In March, the campaign froze a nearly $290,000 donation from Srivastava after concerns were raised about its legality, according to Politico.

The businessman has been accused of conning several other influential people, according to other lawsuits filed in federal and local courts, Los Angeles Magazine reported.

The unfortunate truth is that this exact frustrating situation is happening all over in democratic run states.

At this point, why do people even work if they can simply show up at a vacant home and claim it as their own?


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