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Left-Wing Regime Censor FINALLY Admits Ashley Biden’s Diary Is REAL!

A left-wing, establishment, mainstream ‘fact-checker’ has finally admitted that Ashley Biden’s diary is authentic.

Snopes quietly, but not-so-quietly, changed its entry on the Ashley Biden Diary and its contents to ‘true’—a surprise admission for such a steadfast regime scribe.

Of course, our readers have known that the diary was authentic long before Snopes got the memo, so much for ‘fact-checking’!

Snopes cited Ashely Biden’s recent testimony as the primary motivator for the now-corrected ‘fact check,’ though, perhaps, it might also be reflective of a deeper undercurrent cutting through establishment politics.

This is merely speculation, but I believe that Biden’s standing in the world, and with the powers that be, has rapidly deteriorated over the last several months.

Could this reversal from Snopes be yet another subtle sign that Biden will be replaced by another Democrat before the 2024 election? Read on, and let us know what you think in the comments section:

Snopes now features this ‘fact-check’ entry for Ashley Biden’s diary:

On April 29, 2024, Snopes changed the rating of this fact check from “Unproven” to “True” based on testimony provided by Ashley Biden. In an April 8 letter to a New York judge requesting jail time for one of the two people convicted of stealing her diary, Biden wrote, “I will forever have to deal with the fact that my personal journal can be viewed online.”

Previous versions of this fact check noted “strong evidence” that the diary existed, but argued that no source had authenticated the contents of the pages published online, writing that “the authenticity of photographs purported to be from a diary is a separate question from the factual existence of a diary.”

James O’Keefe, who was raided by the FBI for possessing the diary, reminded his audience:

“Flashback, Nov 4th, 2021, to the decision to make a statement after my colleagues Eric and Spencer were raided after being approached by tipsters claiming to have a copy of the Ashley Biden Diary.

The day after I published this statement, I was then raided by the FBI. Although I didn’t publish the diary, they confiscated my cell phones, which they still have.

Years later we have confirmation from Biden herself the diary is in fact authentic.

The legal attacks against a newsroom and confiscating their equipment over receiving a document from a source, was one of the greatest violations of the 1st amendment in American history.

Under surveillance by the FBI on that November day in between the raids, I was afraid to make a statement, but had to send a message to them and you.

The message was this: The politics of fear will not prevail in the United States of America.”

According to Newsweek, Ashley Biden told the court in her letter that confirmed the authenticity of the journal:

In her letter to the judge, Ashley Biden wrote that others had “once-grossly” misinterpreted her “once-private” writings and thrown “false accusations that defame my character and those of the people I love.”

Biden also said that her “innermost thoughts” recorded in the diary had been “constantly distorted and manipulated,” and assumed that the point of the theft was to “peddle grotesque lies by distorting my stream-of-consciousness thoughts.”


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