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WINNING: Target Pulls Back for Gay Pride Month After Last Year’s Backlash

You won’t believe this—Target is dialing back on the LGBT “pride month” celebration this year!

I call that a win!

Usually these companies double down when their customer base rejects what they’re serving (I’m looking at you, Disney).

They made an announcement that they’ll be cutting back on “pride” merchandise at certain locations.

Make no mistake, Target still supports gay month but is reducing the availability of the the LGBT propaganda material.

But we take every win we can. It’s like getting a foot hold on the enemy. It shows we’re advancing on this battlefront when it’s usually been them advancing, for years and years.

So, it’s refreshing to hear this good news.

Our protests and our pushbacks are working.

Keep the pressure on!

Here’s a review of last year at Target:

Western Journal reports:

Target is taking a step back when it comes to LGBT “pride month” this year with a Thursday announcement that it will nix “pride” merchandise at some locations, according to CBS News.

The retail business touted its commitment to “pride month” in a news release while appearing to downgrade the availability of LGBT-themed merchandise.

Those items will only be available in “select stores, based on historical sales performance,” according to the company.

Target was the subject of backlash from the public over its selection of “pride” material in 2023.

Critics of the company were especially concerned with items that appeared to be designed for children.

Target suffers worst profit drop in 6 years after the retailers disastrous Pride collection marketed at children.

In store sales are down 5.4% while online sales have dropped 10.5%.

Some customers even confronted Target employees and pushed over LGBT displays in statements of objection to the merchandise, according to CBS.

In an earnings call last year, Target CFO Michael Fiddelke frankly admitted that backlash to the “pride” material hurt the firm’s bottom line, according to Business Insider.

Target CEO Brian Cornell also said last year that the company would be “mindful of timing, placement, and presentation” in arranging future celebrations of “pride month” in the future.

RedState adds:

Much of the controversy stemmed from some of the items in the collection, including swimsuits labeled as “tuck-friendly” with “extra crotch coverage” for boys experiencing gender dysphoria and seeking to “transition” to the opposite sex.

Many of these items were brazenly marketed to children, which only made the problem worse. It resulted in confrontations between customers and members of staff. Some customers even tipped over displays in the stores.

However, Target’s move should not be taken as an indication that it is still not intent on catering to the LGBTQ community. In a statement, the company affirmed that “Beyond our own teams, we will have a presence at local Pride events in Minneapolis and around the country, and we continue to support a number of LGBTQIA+ organizations.”

Target’s decision is part of a broader trend where companies are wrestling with how to navigate the cultural divides that have intensified over the past decade. It is similar to what happened with Bud Light when it aligned itself with transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney, which sparked a massive boycott. The company is still trying to recover.

This development highlights how the culture war is affecting corporate America. While some companies have been smart enough to stay out of politics, others seem to have embraced leftist ideology to appeal to a certain crowd and avoid becoming the target of the Cancel Culture Community™.

Target’s decision to limit the sale of Pride-themed merchandise reflects a desire to strike a balance between embracing the LGBTQ community and not going to extreme lengths that might alienate a significant portion of its customer base. It is a tightrope that many brands have chosen to walk. It remains to be seen whether the company can navigate this issue effectively.

Who could forget the hilarious “tuck friendly” swimsuit viral video?

This guy basically got that phrase to be linked to his video that showcases how ridiculous it is.

Needless to say, Target removed those swimsuits.


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