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NOT Finished Yet—Jack Smith Gets Lifeline From Chief RINO

I don’t mean to brag, but not a single day passes where I am not proven right. WLTR was one of the first outlets to reveal Speaker Mike Johnson’s true colors.

We would be joking if we said that Mike Johnson represented the GOP leadership. Johnson is the Speaker for the permanent uniparty in Washington DC.

Some might say he’s a Democrat, but there really isn’t any real difference between the two parties. Both send endless money to foreign nations, pass policies against the will of the people, and generally destroy America.

Johnson is so weak and so deeply enmeshed in the fabric of the DC swamp that he doesn’t even have the spine to defund Jack Smith.

To put this into context, Jack Smith’s case has already been delayed indefinitely after a ruling from Judge Aileen Cannon put the entire charade on ice. Defunding him at this point is only a small ask—he’s already finished.

Yet, Johnson won’t even commit to this small ounce of America First policy. What a shame, and, once again, a glimpse into Mike Johnson’s political philosophy and intentions. On Thursday, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene stated:

“I triggered my Motion to Vacate yesterday because Mike Johnson refused to commit to defunding Special Council Jack Smith. Now, he’s not just saying he won’t defund it, he’s promising to PROTECT it.

If the Democrats saving Mike Johnson’s Speakership didn’t convince you he’s in fact their Speaker of the House, this should!” 

Politico spoke with Mike Johnson, who told the outlet:

“That’s not something you wave a wand and just eliminate the special counsel as a provision,” the former constitutional law attorney explained.

“There is a necessity for a function like that, because sometimes the Department of Justice — which is an executive branch agency — can’t necessarily, without a conflict of interest, investigate or prosecute the president who’s their boss, or the president’s family.”

We followed up: So are you prepared to write language eliminating Smith’s job into appropriations bills? His answer? “No.”

As you can already probably tell, the MAGA community was incredibly critical of Johnson’s support for the special counsel and his failed investigation. Here are just some of the reactions:

Breitbart outlined some of Johnson’s other actions this week:

Wednesday afternoon, Johnson, who had already surrendered leverage on the FAA bill to the Senate, unexpectedly scheduled a vote on a one-week FAA extension that would give Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) more time to finalize a package before the Friday night deadline.

Johnson then canceled House votes for the remainder of the week, giving his members a long weekend while Schumer and his Senate continued preparations to once again jam the House.


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