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Trump vs. Biden Debate Has Been Scheduled, Here’s When

A presidential debate between Biden and Trump has been set.

The Commission on Presidential Debates has announced the first presidential debate will occur on September 16th  in Texas.

Two more debates are expected to occur on October 1st in Virginia and a third on October 9th in Utah.

The debate scheduling comes just a week after Biden stated during an interview with Howard Stern that he’s planning to debate Trump.

Check out what Fox News reported:

The Commission on Presidential Debates will proceed with its original schedule despite requests from former President Trump’s campaign for earlier events.

The commission released its schedule last November, but Trump’s camp has urged organizers to offer earlier and more frequent debates in a bid to outshine President Biden onstage.

“The CPD’s criteria […] will be applied in early September; afterward, the Commission will extend debate invitations to qualifying candidates,” the CPD told Fox News Digital.

The commission added, “The CPD is proceeding with production and broadcast plans at its four debate sites as also announced on November 20, 2023.”

Reacting to Tuesday’s report from Fox News, Trump campaign managers Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles argued in a statement that the move by the commission was “unacceptable.” They also extended an invitation to “every television network in America that wishes to host a debate,” and urged the Biden campaign to coordinate to set up a debate “as soon as possible.”

Trump for months has repeatedly called on his Democratic successor in the White House to join him on the debate stage. Radio personality Howard Stern hosted Biden last week for an interview in which the president confirmed his intentions to debate his Republican challenger.

Per Just The News:

The Trump campaign criticized the Commission on Presidential Debates for not making the debates earlier.

“The Presidential Debate Commission’s schedule does not begin until after millions of Americans will have already cast their ballots. This is unacceptable, and by refusing to move up the debates, they are doing a grave disservice to the American public who deserve to hear from both candidates before voting begins. President Trump has stated he will debate Joe Biden anytime, anywhere, anyplace, and Joe Biden himself just agreed to debate,” said Trump campaign managers Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles in a joint statement.

“We are committed to making this happen with or without the Presidential Debate Commission. We extend an invitation to every television network in America that wishes to host a debate, and we once again call on Joe Biden’s team to work with us to set one up as soon as possible. The American people deserve it.”

The commission said on Tuesday it’s original schedule will remain unchanged. The debates are set for Sept. 16 in Texas, Oct. 1 in Virginia and a third on Oct. 9 in Utah. The vice presidential candidates debate is scheduled for Sept. 25 in Pennsylvania.


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