Okay, you’ve been with us for some time so I think I can trust you with this.
(Cue Mission Impossible theme.)
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is decode a book of secrets that the Federal Reserve released over 40 years ago.
This case involves a comic book full of mysterious clues.
An underground path to a hidden world.
A girl who writes an odd math formula in the sand that points to a false flag event. (Hint: Flip the book upside down.)
And a secret gold mine in the Grand Canyon that may contain the key to unlock this nation from the the bondage of the globalist once and for all.
This is one bizarre story you’re not going to want to miss.
Just as the enemies of the United States of America have infiltrated our system, so too there are patriots that have infiltrated enemy territory.
We have reason to believe some of them are within the Federal Reserve.
And in 1981, at the Federal Reserve of Boston, they created a mysterious comic book called Wishes and Rainbows to get a message out.
It was later released in 2007 with only ONE change made to it that’s very intriguing. It involves changing what the little girl was drawing in the sand.
And that’s not all. They also released a teacher’s guide too, called Road To Roota. But it seems like it’s more of a deflection, a cover, to give a false explanation to the actual parable by glossing over the hints and clues.
It’s all very odd.
But I will tell you this, it’s a story about you. It’s a story about us.
(I’ll provide a link to download a PDF copy of both below)
If you have kids or grand kids, they’ll probably get a kick out of this comic, especially when you show them all the secrets within.
Here’s the synopsis. You tell me if this sounds like the kind of story a bank would invest money in creating, publishing and distributing:
Wishes and Rainbows follows the journey of a young girl named Roota, who lives in a black and white world underground that embarks on a quest to find a rare flower with colorful petals that’s buried in secret.
Also, the rare flower can only grow in the rare golden light from Colorland above ground and EVERYONE in town wants one.
When the flower is taken down below it loses it’s color, wilts and then cries 3 black tears.
What the does that mean?
What the heck kind of story is this?
And what kind of girl’s name is “Roota”?
Is that a clue too?
The Federal Reserve releases a comic book about a girl going underground to find a rare flower that can cry black tears?
What does this have to do with saving, borrowing, investing, lending, and banking?
Sure there’s a part in the story where some trading occurs but it doesn’t explain all the oddities.
Also, this story doesn’t end with an explanation.
It’s just ends saying that one day you might…
“hear voices coming from underground…“
Creepy! Especially knowing what we know now about tunnels and DUMBS.
And it’s printed in full color so these were not cheap to print.
What’s the meaning to this story?
What does the flower represent?
What does everything represent?
I’ll show you.
Are you familiar with how The Simpson’s TV show keep putting hints in their episodes about hidden insider infomation that people call ‘predictive programming’?
They know.
I discovered this comic through Bix Weir, who has been talking about this info for years.
From his site:
“He has 30 years’ experience in the financial industry with various fortune 500 companies. He is the creator of the “Road to Roota Theory” and his commentary is published at www.RoadtoRoota.com. Bix has dedicated his efforts over the last 15 years to exposing the long term manipulation of the gold, silver & crypto markets.
Here is his break down of the cryptic comic, written in 2010. He also created a video break down of the entire book. It’s fascinating!
Notice how closely it matches our world today:
The Road to Roota Theory postulates that there is a group of people in the United States as well as around the world that are working to remove and destroy the financial banking powers that have secretly controlled all aspects of our lives for hundreds of years. The original idea of this group sprang from the mind of Alan Greenspan and involved rigging markets with computer programs that he had invented in the 1960’s.
My understanding of the way the world worked was blown to bits and replaced with a more unified theory on all things monetary… all things that lead us down The Road to Roota otherwise known as the Road to the Gold Standard.
The following concepts are the key support pillars in The Road to Roota Theory and I have linked the support articles as back up. Once you understand these concepts you will understand what is happening all around you as the world you once knew comes crumbling down to be replaced by a new and better system.
1) All markets have been 100% controlled by computer programs since the 1970’s in order to steer and control prices thus prolonging the fiat monetary system.
2) A powerful cabal of the world’s elite have taken over that market manipulation process and twisted it to enhance their own profits while pretending to service their nation’s best interests.
3) In the early 1900’s the United States embarked on a secret policy to hide all of its own natural resources and exploit the rest of the world’s until resource scarcity was fully recognized.
4) In order to support the oil backed US Dollar and the world’s petro-based economic system the “powers that be” have hidden new energy technologies that would greatly benefit the world’s population as well as the environment.
5) Since 911 there is a group of people and governments that have decided “enough is enough” and are in the process of removing the banking cabal from their seat of power.
6) The planned destruction of the fiat monetary system is the type of “Creative Destruction” event that will force the implementation of a new Gold Standard within the United States.
You may argue all you want about my interpretation and conclusions but there will be no arguing the final results. When the final crash comes the facts will show that the Road to Roota Theory was the closest thing to a “correct analysis” of the gold market available at this time in history.
This is your peek behind the curtain of the Great and Powerful OZ!
As we read the papers today the events are unfolding before us. The real question now is what will happen in the future? Will we be cast into a deep and dark depression with no hope for future generations or will we survive and even thrive as we make this transition?
These conclusions may sound way too positive and outrageously naive but everything I watch points to a very bright future…even if it takes a few bumps to get there!
1) The collapse of the fiat monetary system will be total and complete equalizing the playing field between the “haves” and the “have-nots”.
2) All paper/electronic debt and assets will evaporate with the collapse of the fiat money system.
3) Those who have perpetrated the outrageous and monstrous crimes of the past 100 years will be hunted down and prosecuted (if they are lucky).
4) The US will issue a new gold backed currency (domestically) allocating it according to future social security payments due.
5) The US will allocate much of the new gold backed money to support the funding of schools, police, health care, infrastructure and other necessities for a fully functioning society.
6) Globalization will end upon the collapse of the derivative structure and all countries will end global trade concentrating on their own internal commerce.
7) All US overseas troops will return home to protect our borders and ensure the safety of our citizens.
8) The US population will be fully employed working to replace all the overseas production lost in the reversal of Globalization.
9) The United States will tap into its VAST natural resources that have been hidden away for years in National Parks, Military Bases and sites deemed “Ecologically Sensitive”.
10) A vast array of new energy technologies will be revealed since there will be no more need for the “oil standard” that has supported the US Dollar for the past 50 years.
11) The implementation of the new monetary system will usher in a glorious new “Golden Age” that the world will embrace after years of being lead around like “Sheeple”.
Comics that make you go Hmmm
Wishes and Rainbows is a comic published by the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, based on a story by Debra Carpenter-Beck. Its an interesting tale about who should get very scarce resources (in this case, lovely flowers) pic.twitter.com/BDx4S0luo5
— Jeffs Comics (@jeffs_comics) April 18, 2018
And what about the secret GOLD MINE in the GRAND CANYON?
It’s mentioned covertly in the comic.
You have to decode it.
Also, here’s background on it:
So here’s a decoder list for you to unlock all the hidden meanings, to figure out what those within the Federal Reserve were trying to tell us:
Colorland = Gold Standard (or commodity based currency)
Boulder Ridge = Canada
Gopher Junction = Mexico
Pebbleton = USA
Pebblepeople = US Citizens
Grey Flowers = Fiat Currency
World of No Color = Fiat Money System
Color Flowers = Commodity Backed Treasury Notes
Cobblestone Canyon = (Secret Gold Mine in the Grand Canyon)
The Mayor = President Ford or Reagan
Golden Sunlight = Gold Reserves
Black Tears = Oil Backed Currency
And there’s more hidden gold out there.
Deep within Chocolate Mountain, worth up to $100 billion.
Dianne Feinstein knows.
You can download a free PDF copy of the 2007 version of Wishes and Rainbows comic book here.
And download a free PDF copy of Road to Roota, the free teacher’s guide here.
(No email or info requested. Just a link to the actual file).
Here’s Bix Weir’s FULL VIDEO that decodes the ENTIRE book, both 1981 and 2007 versions, along with the ONE change they made.
He talks kind of slow, so:
-click on the Gear icon at bottom of screen.
-Select Playback Speed.
-Pick 1.25 or 1.5.
Here’s a break down Bix Weir made about the $100 bill and the clues it has it has within about switching from worthless paper to gold.
The “golden sunlight” from the comic book has been on your $100 dollar bill the whole time and you never noticed.
Also, the movie City of Ember seems to be hinting at the very same theme from the Wishes and Rainbows comic.
Without giving away spoilers, the people don’t realize where they are and the powers that be seek to keep them in darkness undergound so they don’t escape to freedom.
Are they trying to get to Colorland too?
Did the author of the story know about the Federal Reserve comic?
It’s a family friendly movie from 2008, back when Hollywood made decent films.
And it has plenty of red pills:
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