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Trump’s Campaign On Course To Raise $43 MILLION This Weekend

So here’s the scoop, folks.

President Trump is preparing for a big fundraiser event at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida.

And currently he’s looking to rake in a whopping $43 million this weekend. That’s a serious amount, blowing Biden’s recent $26 million out of the water.

Hope they enjoyed their short lived ‘record breaking fundraiser’.

Looks like the money train is pulling up to connect with the Trump train.

And I have a good feeling this train is going to benefit us all.

Newsmax reports:

Republican presumptive presidential nominee Donald Trump is now expecting to haul in at least $43 million at his fundraiser this weekend at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida, Axios reported Thursday.

The windfall would shatter President Joe Biden’s then-record $26 million take last week in New York City and surpass the original expectations of $33 million by Trump’s campaign.

Saturday’s fundraiser, led by hedge-fund billionaire John Paulson, is being touted as Trump’s “Inaugural Leadership Dinner,” with a “Chairman Level” donation of $824,600 that puts donors at “dinner seating at President Trump’s table,” Axios reported.

“This event is greatly exceeding expectations and shows the Republican Party is united behind President Trump,” a source told Axios.

ABC News reported last week that co-chairs of the event include several former ambassadors and Trump administration officials, such as Small Business Administrator Linda McMahon and former Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross as well as New York Jets owner Woody Johnson. Former Trump campaign finance chair Todd Ricketts, energy mogul Harold Hamm, aerospace executive Robert Bigelow, hedge fund manager Robert Mercer, and casino tycoon Phil Ruffin are also co-chairs.

He’s on track to beat the Democrat’s recent biggest political fundraiser in history.

And the Democrats fundraiser happened to take place at a curious time:


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