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Mysterious $30 Million Easter Sunday Heist

While many people were distracted by the “Trans Day of Visibility” comments from Biden, thieves in Los Angeles got away with one of the largest cash heists in city history.

The burglary occurred Sunday evening in the Sylmar area of the San Fernando Valley.

ABC News expands on comments from LA Police Department Commander Elaine Morales:

The burglars were able to breach the building as well as the safe where the money was stored, Morales said.

The operators of the business, whom police did not identify, did not discover the massive theft until they opened the vault on Monday.

Despite happening on Sunday, there is still very little known about the details of the heist.

Los Angeles Times expands on the details of the investigation:

Sources familiar with the investigation said a burglary crew broke through the roof of the facility to gain access to the vault. But it is unclear how they avoided the alarm system.

In addition, viewing the safe from the outside, it showed no signs of a break-in. The operators of the business, whom police did not identify, did not discover the massive theft until they opened the vault on Monday.

Further adding to the intrigue is that very few individuals would have known of the huge sums of cash that were being kept within that safe, according to the law enforcement sources.

The break-in was described as elaborate and suggested an experienced crew of burglars who knew how to gain entry to a secure facility unnoticed.

California has had their fair share of million dollar robberies.

Prior to this robbery, the largest cash heist in Los Angeles was back in 1997, with the robbery of $18.9 million from the Dunbar Armored facility.

Furthermore, just two years ago, thieves got away with roughly $100 million in jewels from a Brink’s big rig at a truck stop in Southern California.

The FBI is working with the LAPD in order to ensure this is not another robbery left unsolved.


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