Kassy Akiva is a correspondent for the Daily Wire and she recently posted this photo with the caption: “Red heifers in Israel”:
Red heifers in Israel! pic.twitter.com/9XlccK1Dlo
— Kassy Akiva (@KassyAkiva) April 3, 2024
If you don’t know what that means or why that might be important, I’ll explain down below.
In fact, the photo caught my eye because we had first covered this story a couple weeks ago (always nice to see The Daily Wire catching up 😉)!
She then posted this Tweet claiming the “comment section is garbage” in reference to her original post, which I found pretty funny:
This comment section is garbage https://t.co/B46whTOB0T
— Kassy Akiva (@KassyAkiva) April 3, 2024
I have to admit that while I wouldn’t have ordinarily checked the comments section, I checked after reading that and they are indeed “colorful”:
I’d like to make very clear these are NOT my comments, I’m just posting a few samples.
I repeat, not MY comments and not endorsed by me:
Ok, so now for everyone wondering “what in the world does this mean?” allow me to explain….
CBS NEWS: Red Heifer Sacrifice Is Imminent In Israel?
We like to keep our eye on Prophecy here at WLTReport, especially when Prophecy begins to play out before our very eyes.
You may have heard about a “Red Heifer” (red cow) and how that is supposed to be a key sign and marker of certain things in End Times Prophecies.
Well, it looks like it may literally be playing out before our very eyes.
More on that in just a moment….
First, here is a quick summary of where the Red Heifer in Prophecy comes from, including full Biblical citations, provided by ChatGPT:
For those who prefer to watch a short video, watch this:
The Red Heifer explained…..
Wild times we are living in…..#WeWantAnswers pic.twitter.com/isPjk8BMmf
— Isaac’s Army (@ReturnOfKappy) March 20, 2024
Ok, so why am I covering this as NEWS?
After all, we are a News website.
Simple: because CBS News is covering it….and it appears to be playing out on the world stage before our very eyes.
Take a look:
🔥 DEVELOPING: A "massive" Sacrificial Altar has been built in Jerusalem to slaughter Red Heifer and bring about the Antichrist.
Are you prepared for what’s coming?
— Cillian (@CilComLFC) March 18, 2024
Backup video here:
A Massive Sacrificial Altar Has Been Built In Jerusalem To Slaughter Red Heifer And Bring About The Antichrist pic.twitter.com/XiV3h8Hfs5
— Urantian Lady (@UrantianL) March 15, 2024
Shorter video here:
Israel has constructed a sacrificial altar in Jerusalem to sacrifice a red heifer and build the Third Temple which they believe would usher in their Messiah.
Rumors of The Red Heifer sacrifice happening on 3/29
Interesting timing with all this talk in the MSM about a… pic.twitter.com/I4G9WXJn5f
— Vision4theBlind (@Vision4theBlind) March 21, 2024
I think this next Tweet sums it up perfectly…..
If God doesn’t have your attention yet, what will it take?
So you mean to tell me that there is a full solar eclipse happening April 8th, followed by a “devil comet“ coming towards earth. And we have Israel about to sacrifice the final red heifer, which means the coming of the antichrist to build the 3rd temple in Jerusalem. And nobody is saying anything?
So you mean to tell me that there is a full solar eclipse happening April 8th, followed by a “devil comet“ coming towards earth. And we have Israel about to sacrifice the final red heifer, which means the coming of the antichrist to build the 3rd temple in Jerusalem. And nobody… pic.twitter.com/opsSfD5zkg
— Nomad Groyper (@NomadGroyper2) March 14, 2024
Speaking of the Eclipse, check this out if you haven’t seen it:
The 2024 Solar Eclipse and INSANE Prophecy Events Are Coming!– Jim Staley
I’ve written a lot about the upcoming Eclipse on April 8, 2024 and the very strange circumstances surrounding it.
I thought I had covered almost everything but it turns out I wasn’t even close.
There is so much more to this than I knew and my mind is spinning right now after watching this brand new video from Jim Staley.
Trust me folks, you are going to be blown away!
Even halfway through the video I was stunned….but then it just kept going!
The amount of signs wrapped up in this Eclipse (actually, THREE eclipses — 2017, 2023 and 2024) are so many and so intricate that they could only have been sent by God. There is no other way to explain this.
After all, the Bible tells us in Genesis 1:14 that God uses the Sun, Moon and Stars for signs and seasons:
“And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years”
So it shouldn’t be a surprise!
I’d like to give you a summary, but there’s simply no way. It’s so jam packed the summary would be the same length as the original video.
So I’m going to give you the video below plus a full transcript for anyone who can’t watch or would rather read.
Drop a comment below telling me how far into the video you got before your mind was blown!
Here you go:
Backup here if needed:
The STUNNING Biblical Signs of the April 8, 2024 Eclipse
Feat. Jim Staley
SOURCE:https://t.co/YZiVjhZoRT pic.twitter.com/OWnAESwxTb
— DailyNoah.com (@DailyNoahNews) March 21, 2024
And now here is the FULL TRANSCRIPT:
what you’re about to learn in this short video today will no doubt be alarming even shocking for some for others they’ll dismiss it as just a mere coincidence and go on with their lives as if the total solar eclipse on April 8th of 2024 is just another novelty in the sky they’ll not see the warning or
this sign in the heavens as anything other than a rare Celestial event to Dazzle their kits but the truth is is that the total solar eclipse of April 8th 2024 is part of a larger set of heavenly events that seem to coincide with Earthly events serious Earthly events of potential biblical
proportion hello everyone I’m Jim Staley with passion for Truth Ministries for over 20 years now I’ve dedicated my life into looking into the hebraic roots of the Christian faith in an effort to do Bible things in Bible ways I’ve learned in the process that the calendar that God uses is not the same calendar that we use today I’ve learned that the holy
days that God gave his people are not the same as the holidays that were given to us by the Roman Gentile Church his feast days are powerful all about Christ are prophetic in nature and transformative in practice in short they have revolutionized my entire life the life of my family and millions of Believers around the world that have
ears to hear and eyes to see what God has saying to his church today God’s prophetic feast days are the foundation for all prophecy they are the true time clock that brings perfect Rhythm to all creation try to understand prophecy without his calendar and you’ll no doubt find yourself stabbing in the dark like a blind man or Worse Left Behind altogether before we begin let’s take a
poll to see where you’re at before we go any further if you believe these solar eclipses are signs from God put from God in the comments right now if if you don’t put coincidence and if you’re not sure put not sure the patterns that you are about to see in this short video are how they line up with the Hebrew calendar of the Bible is simply
incredible and if you have ears to hear it will likely move you to a very specific action with that being said let’s begin first of all I want you to know that I believe that the Gog Magog war is connected to these rare solar eclipses that we’re experiencing and I’m going to show you exactly how and what I found later on this broadcast it’s almost too hard to believe and could very well alter the way you live your life from this moment on so be sure to
watch all the way through because everything I talk about will critically build to that moment first and foremost it’s critical to understand why God made the sun moon and stars to begin with and for that we turn to Genesis 1:14 where it says then God said let the lights be in the firmament of the Heavens to divide the day from the night and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years the Hebrew word here for seasons is the word moadim it does not mean spring summer fall or winter it literally means God’s appointed feast
days Passover unleavened bread first fruits shavoo better known as Pentecost trumpets yamkapor and sukot so the first reason why he put the celestial bodies in the heavens was so that we would know when to meet with him this is why Paul says in 1 Thessalonians that although the Lord will come like a thief in the night and no man knows the day of the hour we know the times and the seasons for that he doesn’t need to write about us and because these seasons are all about the first and second coming of Messiah they are intimately connected with prophecy but the other reason he says they’re there are for signs which in Hebrew means a signal or an omen this
means that the sun moon and stars were put into place to give us signals warnings and to forecast the two times when the Messiah was going to visit earth once as a humble Shepherd and suffer ing servant that lays his life down for sheep and the other as a conquering King intent on redeeming his bride if you’d like more information on the feast days of the Lord text feast day to 844-763-5260
died and that signal in the sky was followed by a massive earthquake that cracked the temple and tore the veil into two that separated the holy place from the holy of holies Revelation 612 says I looked when he opened the Sixth Seal and behold there was a great earthquake and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair and the moon became like blood here we see another correlation between an earthquake and a solar and lunar eclipse the moon becoming like blood is referring to a blood red moon which is when the Earth’s moon is in total lunar eclipse Zechariah 14: 6-7 says it this way it shall come
to pass in that day that there will be no more light the lights will diminish it shall be one day which is known to the Lord neither day nor night but at evening time it shall happen that it will be light and in Joel 2:10 it says that the sun and the moon will grow dark and the Stars will lose their brightness there can be no doubt that over and over again throughout the Bible that solar and lunar eclipses are not connected to anything good even many of the Native Americans have deep spiritual beliefs that total solar eclipses are either very bad Omens and or bring a time of
transition and rebirth throughout the Bible we see solar and lunar eclipses connected to events that surround major turning points on the timeline of mankind with most having to do with the end of time again make sure you stick around to the end because I’m going to show you a connection how the very same eclipses of 2017 and 2024 are directly related to the Gog and Magog war of Prophecy it’s simply amazing how God has written the end from the beginning and then put the entire timeline in the sky right above our heads every night in the
meantime though let’s do a quick review of the most famous and rarest of lunar events the tetrad blood red lunar eclipses they are critical pieces to the end time story this is when there are four lunar eclipses back to back in two consecutive years like Mark btz originally pointed out where it gets really interesting is when these tetrad eclipses fall on biblical holidays of Passover and sukot two years in a row
when they land on these holy days this is when we better start paying attention like the Native Americans say Wars and rebirth are possible and this is exactly what we see in history there have only been eight sets of these blood red moons since the time of Christ and some of them have been world changing indeed they can either be a precursor for a significant event or a confirmation sign that the event that just happened was significant on God’s calendar for example on Passover in 162 ad a set of
these lunar eclipses was seen and the very same year Rome began a war with the parthe in 795 another set showed up on the biblical holy dayss of Passover in sukot and the Saxon War Began one of the most famous of these eclipses landed on Passover in the year 14 92 just two weeks before the Catholic monarchs of
Spain decided to declare war on the Jews living in Spain and drive them out of the country better known today as the Spanish Inquisition although not taught in American history Columbus just so happened to sail on August 2nd of that year the exact date set for the expulsion of the Jews from Spain and who were all the crew members that he chose to sail with him you guessed it Jewish why because Christopher Columbus was actually Jewish but the for a whole another story kind of changes the entire scope of how America was birthed doesn’t it and for the record Columbus just so happened to land in America right at the beginning of the Feast of sukot which happens to be when Christ was born and when the marriage supper of the Lamb will be if you’d like to learn more about when Jesus was really born I
encourage you to watch that teaching I’ll leave a link in the description as well by the way make sure you subscribe right now to this channel so you don’t miss out on any videos of this nature in the future all right after 1492 the next set of tetra blood moon eclipses that landed on Passover in sukot was in 1948 when Israel became a nation and again in 1967 during The Six Day War when Jerusalem became the capital of the newly rebirthing nation of Israel only God could orchestrate such Precision Wars and rebirthing wars and rebirthing then there was the well-known blood
moons of our time 2014 and 15 which didn’t seem to bring much War at all all until you look a little closer and realize that after these eclipses we’ve had a terror group named Isis being formed the global outbreak of Abola was announced it was when Israel went to war with Hamas and the first time in operation protective Edge in Gaza and it’s when America changed forever with the death of Michael Brown by a police officer in Ferguson Missouri his death
would set the stage for all the extreme civil unrest to come in the following years that would begin the process of tearing America apart from the inside out which is no out the worst kind of war and of course do I even have to mention the global outbreak of the sea virus that would be used by the dark Forces of this world to lay the foundation stones for the upand cominging beastly system of the Antichrist and Incredibly the next time a tetrad of four blood red lunar eclipses happens it will be on what some say is the 2,000-year anniversary of the resurrection of Christ in 2032 and 33 with the third of the four eclipses
landing on the very day of Passover in which he died incredible indeed and all of this is just the history of the lunar eclipses that fall on Passover in suot on God’s biblical calendar although some call it the Jewish calendar it’s only Jewish because they are virtually the only ones keeping it but the truth is that it’s God’s calendar and it was given to all that would follow him from the beginning of time even written in the stars now that we can see the prophetic significance of the lunar eclipses now let’s take a look at what
all of you have been waiting for the once in lifetime eclipses of 2017 and 2024 that form a proverbial X in the middle of the United States do they have anything to do with prophecy do they foretell the end of the world we are about to answer that question all of the buzz surrounding the solar eclipse of 2024 actually started in August of 2017 it was on August 21st 2017 when for the first time in over a 100 years the sun crossed the entire United States of America starting in Salem Oregon and moving through the entire Midwest and exiting through South Carolina on the East Coast what was fascinating about this eclipse is that precisely at the exact time that the sun was going down in Jerusalem the sun was rising over Salem Oregon which is the ancient name
for Jerusalem in the Bible there are 36 cities in the United States named Salem and the 2017 Eclipse would go through exactly seven of them we saw a lot of sevens in 2017 and you’re about to see a
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