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President Trump Issues His Easter Weekend Statement!

What is going on in this country is a shame, and President Trump wasted no time in highlighting this during some of his Easter Sunday messages.

The former president released a bevy of statements during the Easter weekend noting the terrible direction our country is headed in, while also wishing everyone a happy holiday and exclaiming that “Christ is Risen.”

Contrast this with Biden and the Democrats’ ‘Transgender Day of Visibility‘— a contrived and fake day.

I am not even Christian, but the obvious targeting of Christians both overt and in all the tacit, petty ways that this administration engages in is disgusting.

We may have our differences, but I would much rather live in a majority Christian country, marry a Christian woman, or at least one who grew up with those values, and have the Christian ethos dominate rather than this depraved communism we are currently suffering from.

Who the hell wants to live next to, marry, work with, or otherwise have to tolerate crazy, unhinged lunatics?

This transgender nonsense and all the mental illness associated with left-wing views, in general, is cancer to an otherwise healthy society. We must change course or die—that’s it, there is no third option.

President Trump posted this lengthy rebuke of the Democrats and the deep state in this Truth Social post:

Surprisingly, Biden also had this to say during the Easter Weekend, all while championing genital mutilation and experimental hormone therapies, according to The Hill:

“Jill and I send our warmest wishes to Christians around the world celebrating Easter Sunday. Easter reminds us of the power of hope and the promise of Christ’s Resurrection.

As we gather with loved ones, we remember Jesus’s sacrifice. We pray for one another and cherish the blessing of the dawn of new possibilities.

And with wars and conflict taking a toll on innocent lives around the world, we renew our commitment to work for peace, security, and dignity for all people.”

The former President also issued a more traditional Easter Sunday message ahead of the holiday on Saturday afternoon.

President Trump said: “We remember the suffering and death of God’s only son and His glorious resurrection… On Easter Sunday, we proclaim with joy, ‘Christ is Risen!'”

The Palm Beach Post added:

Trump, on his social media platform, also shared an article from the Washington Times headlined “The Crucifixion of Donald Trump” that drew parallels between the felony prosecutions of the former president to the torture and cruel death sentence imposed on Jesus Christ.


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