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Morbidly-Obese Singer: “I QUIT”

Morbidly-obese (or is that o-beast?) singer “Lizzo” just declared “I QUIT”.

Best for her health would be if she was referring to quitting processed foods and gallons of sugar each day, but that does not seem to be what she’s referring to.

And before anyone even THINKS about claiming I am “fat shaming” her, I will address that down below.  We’ll deal with that, don’t worry about it.

So here she is performing at the big Democrat fundraiser:

NEW: Lizzo performs at Biden’s $25M fundraiser with the liberal elite, hosted by Stephen Colbert.

Lizzo is accused of s*xually harassing her backup dancers but that doesn’t seem to bother the three former presidents.

One of the allegations claims Lizzo forced dancers to eat bananas protruding out of s*x workers’ vag*nas.

The lawsuit says, “… things quickly got out of hand. Lizzo began inviting cast members to take turns touching the nude performers, catching d*ldos launched from the performers’ v*ginas, and eating bananas protruding from the performers’ v*ginas.”

Lizzo is also accused of religious discrimination, racial discrimination and fat-shaming.

Sorry but that sounds like a very gross individual to me.

Also sounds like a perfect Democrat…..accuse others of what you yourself are actual doing.  How perfect, she fits right in!

But before we talk about her weight and whether or not people are “fat shaming” her, let’s talk about her announcement….

In this latest post, she declares “I QUIT” which seems to refer to quitting her “music career”:

Laura Loomer called her out for having zero self control:

I think Laura is spot on, but I think that’s only half the story….

DomLucre asks (very tongue in cheek) if the Internet went too far into bullying her to quit:

And (definitely not ghey) Brian Krassen posted this typical whiney, passive-aggressive, beta boy video defending the gross obesity and using it as just one more opportunity to attack MAGA and defend a liberal lifestyle full of zero self control and zero responsibility:

So let’s address Brian Krassen’s claim that anyone talking about how fat Lizzo is is guilty of “fat shaming”.

May I humbly suggest that perhaps Brian Krassen is just not in on the joke?

Is it possible that (gasp!) liberals once again totally missed the obvious point?

This guy gets it:

I said up above that Laura Loomer is right that Lizzo has no self control, but that’s only half the story….

I think the other half of the story, and perhaps the bigger half, is that the whole thing is a massive parody and joke.

After all, take a look at her Instagram account again….she literally named her account “lizzo be eating”:

Sorry Brian Krassen….

Sorry libs….

But you don’t get to claim all sorts of indignation that someone would call Lizzo fat when she herself named her account “lizzo be eating” and then got as fat as humanly possible.

It’s a big massive, meta joke and parody.

You don’t get to build your career on being the fattest singer alive and constantly reinforce that fact over and over and then later claim to be offended.

Sorry, doesn’t work like that.

MEMO TO BRIAN KRASSEN AND ALL DEMOCRATS: stop with the fake indignation.  Take responsibility.  Exercise even a modicum of self-control.  Come back after you do all that and we can talk.

Noah out.


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