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New York Times Creates Video Praising The Deep State

The elusive Deep State.

The media denied it exists and called President Trump and anyones else that believed in it a crazy conspiracy theorist.

But the people weren’t buying it. They were smart enough to realize something sinister has been at play since at least 2016. And even more obvious since 2020.

So now it looks like the media is changing tactics.

Are they going to admit that we and Trump were right?

That there is a Deep State all along?

Not exactly.

They’re just going to say that the Deep State is awesome!


If this doesn’t show their bias and that they’re liars, I don’t know what will.

Here’s a classic layout that’s often used to expose the hypocrisy of the Left.

It shows a before and after post that contradict each other:

It’s the classic, “It doesn’t exist!….Okay, fine. It exists, but it’s a good thing!”

Fox News reports:

The New York Times video opinion team took a cross-country trip for a project to humanize the “deep state,” declaring it to be “kind of awesome” in its new report.

The piece, which is part article, part video essay, took aim at former President Trump’s constant rhetorical attacks against the “deep state,” the phrase, often derogatory, employed for unelected bureaucrats he and his supporters believe work to stymie his agenda.

o paint Trump’s claims as paranoid, the authors traveled to meet various federal government workers throughout the country and put a spotlight on how normal and down to earth they are.

The article stated, “As we met the Americans who are being dismissed as public enemies, we discovered that they are … us. They like Taylor Swift. They dance bachata. They go to bed at night watching ‘Star Trek’ reruns. They go to work and do their jobs: saving us from Armageddon.”

The corresponding video depicted brief interviews with individuals working at the Environmental Protection Agency, the Marshall Space Flight Center and other U.S. government agencies.

The piece continued, telling readers that they should support this “deep state.”

“When we hear ‘deep state,’ instead of recoiling, we should rally. We should think about the workers otherwise known as our public servants, the everyday superheroes who wake up ready to dedicate their careers and their lives to serving us.”

“These are the Americans we employ. Even though their work is often invisible, it makes our lives better,” the article declared, before warning that Trump plans on getting rid of many of these individuals if he returns to the White House.

“But if Donald Trump is re-elected and enacts Schedule F, that could change,” it stated, referring to the classification status that would make government workers easier to terminate as political appointees. “He would have the power to eviscerate the so-called deep state and replace our public servants with people who work for him, not us.”

The article concluded, saying, “In the video above, you’ll meet a few of our hard-working American public servants, and we hope you’ll agree that they’re not scary at all. In fact, they’re kind of awesome.”

The Times’ critics on X blasted the paper for its “playful” defense.

Independent journalist Glenn Greenwald wrote, “Perfect New York Times headline. Perfect expression of predominant US liberal ideology. Perfect illustration of the subservient relationship between corporate media and the US Government. Yes, it’s designed to be ‘playful’: to humanize the most powerful agencies. 10/10.”

X owner Elon Musk ripped the outlet, stating, “They are the mouthpiece of the state.”

The account for conservative outlet “Evie Magazine” posted, “I thought the deep state wasn’t real.”

The Federalist editor-in-chief Mollie Hemingway commented, “Also, I’m so old I remember when I was called names for referring to the ‘deep state.’ By people now telling us to worship the deep state.”

Here’s Trump talking about his plan to dismantle the Deep State.

I can’t wait!

WATCH: New York Times’ pro-Deep State video:


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