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Trudeau Pushes To Make ‘Hate Crime’ Words a LIFE SENTENCE

Looks like Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is pushing for one of the ‘elites’ ultimate goal.

And he’s doing it under the guise of “protecting children”.

These villianous types sure love to hide behind children.

You see, Trudeau is trying to promote the bill, Online Harms Act, that was created by Justice Minister Arif Viranigive.

This bill gives judges the power to sentence adults to prison for life for things they’ve said.

And main thing you can’t say is in regards to genocide.


That means Arif Viranigive will go after all these companies advocating for the genocide of the White community, right?

Viranigive has a strong connection to Whites and will advocate for them, right?

Or does he mean anyone that makes jokes about his own people?

His own people, by the way are Muslims.

If you protest Israel does that mean you’re pro-Hamas, and therefore want to genocide those in Israel?

If you protest Hamas does that mean you’re pro-Israel and therefore want to genocide those in Gaza?

Does that mean you’re against Muslims too if you protest Hamas?

Knowing liberals, they already have an end goal in mind when they wrote up this bill.

That’s how they work.

They work BACKWARDS.

Meaning, they decide on the outcome they want, and then try to figure out whats the previous step to that main goal. And what’s the step before that. And when they figure out the correct starting point they create a bill for that moment.

“It’s for your safety!” is almost always the selling pitch for whatever bill they create.

Public reports:

To protect children from sexual exploitation, Canada must pass the Online Harms Act, says Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government. “I am the parent of two young boys,” said Justice Minister Arif Virani. “I will do whatever I can to ensure their digital world is as safe as the neighborhood we live in. Children are vulnerable online. They need to be protected from online sexual exploitation, hate, and cyberbullying.”

But Virani’s bill is totally unnecessary to protect children. Its real goal is to allow judges to sentence adults to prison for life for things they’ve said and for up to a year for crimes they haven’t committed but that the government fears they might commit in the future.

As such, Trudeau and Virani’s Online Harms Act (Bill C-63) is the most shocking of all the totalitarian, illiberal, and anti-Enlightenment pieces of legislation that have been introduced in the Western world in decades.

The Liberal government’s censorship legislation, when considered in the context of Trudeau’s sweeping abuse of governmental powers during and after the Covid pandemic and new subsidies for government propaganda, sets a new watermark in rising totalitarianism in Western societies.

In an unusually long statement in response to a series of questions asked by Public, the Trudeau government’s “Canadian Heritage” department, which regulates the media, tried to ease our concerns.  “Bill C-63 is meant to bolster the rights of Canadians to express their thoughts and opinions,” said the anonymous official, “by creating a safer and more inclusive online space.”

But the government spokesperson went on to confirm the shocking truth about the legislation, which is that it would put people in prison for life for things they’ve said, specifically, “advocating genocide.”

“Bill C-63 would increase the maximum penalty specifically for advocating genocide from 5 years to life imprisonment,” said an unnamed spokesperson for the Canadian government, “and from 2 years to 5 years, on indictment, for the willful promotion of hatred (section 319 of the Criminal Code)” [emphasis added]

This means someone who writes something that a government official decides is “advocating genocide” will face a longer maximum sentence than someone who rapes a child.

I smell panic.

And speaking of extreme punishments for speech, that reminds me of a card.

Over 30 years ago there was a card game released called ILLUMINANTI.

Many of their cards have come to life over these last three decades.


And here is a particularly disturbing card that shows what they’ve always planned for those that don’t use the correct words, that don’t use the correct PRONOUNS.

And this was decades BEFORE pronouns were even a thing discussed about.

No one ever used the word ‘pronoun’ after their 12th grade English class.

But yet here it is on a card from the 90’s.

“Used Insensitive Pronoun”

And the execution of the other White person’s crime would make Bill Gates happy.

“Ate Flesh Of Dead Animal”

Censorship is what these One World Government clowns thrive on.

That was always their goal.

So it’s no suprise to see Trudeau pushing to lock someone away for life for speech.

I have a feeling he’s be looking at prison walls before long.


This one is for those who think those cards are just a coincidence.

Okay, here’s 2 more ‘coincidence’ cards from that 90’s Illuminati game that shows what would occur years later on September 11, 2001:

Our leaders see earth as a board game.

With people and places to move, manipulate, steal and destroy at their will.


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