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WATCH: Attorney Daniel Sheehan Contradicts Pentagon UFO Report, Says He Is Ready To Testify Before Congress

Attorney Daniel Sheehan, a man who has represented several UFO whistleblowers, has come forward to directly contradict the recent Pentagon UFO report.

Sheehan claims to have seen evidence of UFO crash retrievals and even went so far as to call the former director of AARO, Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, a liar.

During his recent conversation with Ross Coulthart of News Nation, the lawyer said he is ready to back up his claims in sworn Congressional testimony.

Based on everything I have seen, I am inclined to agree with Sheehan. After all, who trusts the CIA or the broader intelligence community?

These people lie like you and I breathe air. They lied about Vietnam, they lied about Iraq, they lied about Covid, they lied about President Trump. What haven’t they lied about?

Below is the full interview Coulthart conducted with Sheehan, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

The Guardian shared this excerpt from the Pentagon’s UFO report:

“A consistent theme in popular culture involves a particularly persistent narrative that the [US government] … recovered several off-world spacecraft and extraterrestrial biological remains, that it operates a program or programs to reverse-engineer the recovered technology, and that it has conspired since the 1940s to keep this effort hidden from the United States congress and the American public.

The proliferation of television programs, books, movies and the vast amount of internet and social media content … most likely has influenced the public conversation on this topic, and reinforced these beliefs within some sections of the population.”

Saagar Enjeti of Breaking Points had this to say about the recent Pentagon UFO report: “The idea that an agency that has been unable to pass its own audit for 5 years can effectively now audit all of its historical programs going back to 1945 & claim any sort of legitimacy in the eyes of the public… totally ridiculous.”

Fox News spoke with UFO researcher and documentary filmmaker Jeremy Corbell, who stated:

Jeremy Corbell, an investigative journalist and pivotal figure in the fight for UFO transparency, told Fox News Digital in an exclusive statement, “If the U.S. won’t fess up, other nations will.”

“The reason AARO was formed in the first place was because of the mishandling of the UFO problem by our government agencies in the past,” Corbell said.

“It was instated to address the UFO reality, the cover-up, as a defense against the dangerous and real possibility of strategic surprise.


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