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Trump Addresses America After Clinching Third Straight Presidential Nomination

It was a foregone conclusion for months, but former President Donald Trump made it official this week.

By securing more than 1,215 delegates, he became the Republican Party’s presumptive presidential nominee and is now on his way to what his supporters hope will be a second term in the White House.

According to Politico:

Trump crossed the threshold of 1,215 delegates on Tuesday night, according to The Associated Press, as he won elections in Georgia, Mississippi, Hawaii and Washington, following a near-sweep of Super Tuesday states a week before.

The first candidate to enter the Republican presidential primary, Trump enjoyed front-runner status throughout the campaign, and his eventual nomination seemed inevitable for months as he dominated public polling and then early primaries.

His last remaining challenger, Nikki Haley, exited the race last week, after winning contests only in Washington, D.C., and Vermont.

The news sparked some discussion on social media.

Trump used the opportunity to address voters directly.

Gateway Pundit provided coverage of his remarks:

Hello, everyone. It’s your favorite president speaking to you on a really great day of victory. One week ago, we had something called Super Tuesday, and it was indeed super because we won at numbers that nobody has ever seen before, records in virtually every state, and tonight likewise. But this one got us over the top. The Republican National Committee has just declared us the official nominee, and so we’re the official nominee of the Republican Party, which is a big deal.

But most importantly, we now have to go into victory because our country’s in serious trouble. We have millions and millions of people flowing in. We have no respect on the world stage. What we say doesn’t mean a thing anymore. And to have that happen is unthinkable.

We have an economy that outside of certain little areas is doing very poorly. And we have something very, very important. We have United States military that has to be taken care of. Again, this was a great day of victory. Last week was something very special, super Tuesday.

Here’s a clip of his entire message:


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