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Joe Biden Heckled, Loses It During SOTU!

One thing stand-up comedians know is you never give a heckler the microphone.

When you control the mic, you are in charge.

And the minute you start engaging with a heckler, you lose.

Enter MTG.

Calling her a “heckler” is not quite accurate, but the analogy is close.

Nothing but praise here for MTG, she stood up for a family who lost a daughter to an illegal alien when our President refused to.

As Joe Biden entered the Capitol last night (and took forever doing so) MTG was all decked out in red MAGA gear and she took the opportunity to hand Biden a Laken Riley pin, telling him to SAY HER NAME:

Biden took the pin and kept it with him, stunning in itself.

Which led to this incredible moment where Biden stops his speech to respond to MTG:

President Biden says “Lincoln Riley” after Marjorie Taylor Greene interrupts him and tells him to “say her name.”

What Biden meant to say was “Laken Riley.”

Here is a longer clip:

An absolutely incredible moment.

Biden loses control of his own speech (how can we expect him to run the country if he can’t even run his own speech?), then gets owned by MTG, then looks very confused and lost but pulls out the pin she gave him and holds up it and says “Lincoln Riley”.

If the litmus test for Joe last night was whether he would show up and not trip or fall over, he passed.

By any other standard, he appears unfit for office.

This was bad, even for him.

Here are both moments side-by-side:


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