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Elon Musk: A “Worse Than 9/11” Event Coming

Elon Musk posted a comment to his X account that so far has 35M views.

He states that it’s likely that another 9/11 is going to occur, but this time it’ll be worse.

I have a feeling he’s getting this info from more than just news headlines.

Does he have connections behind the scenes that are sharing more intel with him?

I wouldn’t be surprised.

MSN reports:

SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA: The Biden administration’s apparent program of flying hundreds of thousands of unvetted migrants into the US has triggered a firestorm of controversy, with tech billionaire Elon Musk raising alarming comparisons to the 9/11 attacks.

The Tesla CEO made explosive claims on his social media platform, X (formerly Twitter), accusing the White House of “importing voters and creating a national security threat,” as per Daily Mail.

Slamming the move of the Biden administration, Musk took to X (formerly Twitter) to write, “This administration is both importing voters and creating a national security threat from unvetted illegal immigrants.”

“It is highly probable that the groundwork is being for something far worse than 9/11. Just a matter of time,” cautioned the tech mogul, sharing a Daily Mail report on the covert operation.

The controversy erupted after lawyers representing the Biden administration’s immigration agencies acknowledged flying 320,000 undocumented immigrants into the country but refused to disclose their identities or destinations, citing potential national security “vulnerabilities.”

This admission came amid the record-breaking numbers of migrants crossing the southern border, exacerbating concerns about the administration’s handling of the immigration crisis.

According to a Freedom of Information lawsuit filed by the Center for Immigration Studies, the Customs and Border Protection approved the secretive flights, transporting hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants from foreign countries into at least 43 different American airports between January and December 2023.

Speaking of 9/11, here’s a newly released clip.

There were oh so many lies told about that day.


Here’s Trump talking about 9/11:


It begs the question, what do those in power have up their sleeves for these upcoming weeks and months?

And with the impending banking collapse, I’m guessing the Establishment will release their attack during or around that time.

It might be a few bumpy weeks but we are more than conquerors and our victory is assured.

This country will not be taken down.


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