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SAG Awards: God Getting Glory Disappoints Taylor Swift

Just what you have all been begging me for, an article on Taylor Swift.

Usually I ignore Taylor Tales. ( I just came up with that. Not bad, eh?)

But this one was REALLY shocking, and I’ve seen a lot.

If you’ve got any Taylor fans in your life, you might want to share this with them.

Imagine being disappointed by someone giving God glory.

Saturday was the SAG Awards.

And none us care about these people patting themselves on the back.

But during the event a camera captures Taylor’s reaction the moment someone on stage lists off the names they want to thank for their award.


“And of course, God. Without God none of this would be possible.”

You would’ve thought Taylor’s agent just fired her and said there’s a nationwide boycott on her albums and she now has to get a job at McDonalds.

Though, this viral story might prompt a boycott.

“America’s sweetheart” literally shakes her head in disgust.

Watch the clip:

Premier Christian reports their take on her ‘faith’:

In December 2023, a clip of preacher Dr Tony Wood went somewhat viral. The pastor of Mission Bible Church in Costa Mesa, California regularly posts clips from his sermons on Instagram, but the reason for the wider-than-normal distribution of this particular message was that it made a target of a beloved cultural icon. The world outside the pastor’s window had become obsessed with singer-songwriter Taylor Swift, and he was not impressed. “When the hope of the world is someone in pink spandex and known for glitter bombs, you know that the world is in a woeful and grievous place,” he declared.

Wood was apparently incensed that TIME magazine, America’s traditional arbiter of global influence, had named Swift as its 2023 ‘Person of the Year’. Taking particular exception to a line in the magazine which described her as a ‘light’ in a dark time, he went to great lengths to explain that, in fact, a “middle-aged pop star” (Swift is 34) was no one’s idea of hope in a suffering world. That she couldn’t help you with your everyday problems, let alone your eternal ones. “Taylor Swift can never lay her body over that chasm, allowing us to walk over it to get into the graces of a mighty God,” he rallied. “There is only one who ever could, and his name is Jesus.”

In the background of all the break-up songs and glitter bombs, the vapours of Christian faith remain

And so while we enjoy her music, and find her intriguing, there’s another part to the equation; the context within which Swift inevitably resides. It’s the dark world to which Jacobs referred in his editorial; the uncertain cultural moment that desperately demands some heroic light. Perhaps TIME is right: Swift’s popularity is found in her ability to illuminate our world in its gloomiest moments.

Raised in a Christian home and formatively shaped in the Bible Belt hotspot of Nashville, Tennessee, Swift has publicly declared herself to be a Christian. In a famous clip in which she railed against the rise of Trumpian politics (and specifically the Republican senator Marsha Blackburn), she expressed her anger at policies such as one which legislated against domestic violence victims. She was furious that Blackburn had suggested that such policies were in keeping with “Tennesee Christian values”, saying: “I live in Tennessee. I’m a Christian. That’s not what we stand for.”

This outburst seemed to be a little slip of the mask for a figure who has generally adopted the ‘we don’t do God’ approach to entertainment-world-domination. Without interrogating the nature of her faith, we can take her word that she at least has one.

Her lyrics offer few clues to what that faith looks like, and she makes only fleeting and occasional references to it. In the song ‘Soon you’ll get better’, Swift talks about turning to prayer – specifically to Jesus – when her mother was diagnosed with cancer: “Holy orange bottles, each night I pray to you / Desperate people find faith, so now I pray to Jesus too.” Like many Christians, her theology seems to embrace the power of God to work alongside and through medicine, but she still makes space for the work of the miraculous.

But I ask you, what kind of Christian would be upset by that someone gave thanks to God?

Is she a Christian?

Maybe she’s just made at God at the moment.

You be the judge.

Poor, Taylor.

Someone put on a sad Radiohead song to comfort here.


Taylor Swift: “I’m a Christian”

Taylor Swift: "I'm a Christian"

Taylor Swift is all over the news, and while she doesn't usually land much on my radar, I did find this one interesting...

She claims to be a Christian.


And I'm not here to judge whether that is true or not, I'm just reporting.

Take a look:

You can see her make the claim that she's Christian right here in this video:

LifeNews reported the following back in 2020:

In a new Netflix documentary about her life, “Miss Americana,” Swift insisted that she is a Christian – even though she promotes political causes that go against Christian teachings, CBN News reports.

The celebrity has been increasingly vocal about her political beliefs over the past several years. In August, she told The Guardian that she supports legalized abortion. “Obviously, I’m pro-choice,” Swift said.

A year earlier, she endorsed Democrat Phil Bredesen in the Tennessee Senate race against Republican Marsha Blackburn, a leading pro-life advocate. Blackburn won anyway and continues to be a strong voice for life in the U.S. Senate.

In the new documentary, Swift talked about that moment when she decided to become more vocal politically.

According to CBN:

One clip from the film shows Swift trying to explain what led her to speak out on her political beliefs, particularly her endorsement of Democrat Phil Bredesen in the 2018 Senate race against pro-life Republican Marsha Blackburn.

“This was a situation where, from a humanity perspective and from what my moral compass was telling me I needed to do, I knew I was right, and I really didn’t care about repercussions,” Swift said.

The excerpt depicts Swift arguing with her parents and publicist over whether to post social media messages regarding her entry into politics and the backlash it may cause.

Swift said Blackburn’s pro-life beliefs disgusted her.

“It’s really basic human rights, and it’s right and wrong at this point, and I can’t see another commercial and see Marsha Blackburn disguising these policies behind the words ‘Tennessee Christian values,’” she said in the Netflix special. “Those aren’t Tennessee Christian values. I live in Tennessee. I’m a Christian. That’s not what we stand for.”

As I said, I'm not here to judge...

I have no idea what's in her heart.

But many have pointed out if you're Christian then it is inherently repugnant to you to also support the killing of babies in the womb:


And here:

So I'm just here to ask what you think...

I don't wish an ill-will on Taylor.

I hope she truly is a real, authentic Christian.  That would be wonderful.

It reminds me a lot of this from Jim Carrey.

Have you seen this?

Jim Carey Finds Jesus & Salvation?

Jim Carey Finds Jesus & Salvation?

I saw this on YouTube today and it really caught my eye...

Jim Carrey Talks about Jesus & Salvation!

That would be big.

Watch this short 2 minute clip:

I'm not here to second-guess anyone or to try and know what's really in their heart, but this is so big that I wanted to dig deeper...

Has Jim Carrey found faith?

Found Jesus?

Turned over a new leaf?

Well, not so fast.

Let me start off by reminding everyone of the gross "artwork" Carrey has done about Trump and his family.

We can start with this one of an elephant impaling Eric and Don Jr.

How charming:


Another here:

There are MANY more, dozens, that you can see here if you want.

I'm not going to give them attention in this article, but they're disgusting.

So...has Jim Carrey now found Jesus?

I'm asking that question because of this recent post by a guy I respect a lot, Sean Feucht:

It was then shared by Gen. Flynn:

So....time for a WLTReport Fact-Check and I'm sorry to report to you all that this video is old.

It's from 2017 I believe.

Also, sorry to Sean Feucht and Gen. Flynn but I'm also sorry to report that while he gets a lot of buzz-words in there and even mentions Jesus a bit, the whole thing just feels slightly "off".

Do you have spiritual discernment?

Did you pick up on it?

It's going along ok, kind of on a tightrope, and then you get to the part where Jim says "we are all God".

Someone cue Carl Lewis...

Credit to everyone else who noticed that was NOT right.

So...has Jim Carrey found God?

Found Jesus?

None of us know what's in his heart but I'm rating this video as NO when it comes to Jim Carrey now being some wonderful Christian.

How about you?


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