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The CPAC Votes Are In: Trump Beat Haley By 89 Points!

Few events capture the mood of the conservative movement as well as the annual Conservative Political Action Conference, and each presidential election year a straw poll shows which candidate attendees are supporting.

As voters in former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley’s home state took to the polls to deliver Donald Trump his latest primary victory, the former president scored a massive 89-point advantage over his long-shot rival.

According to Gateway Pundit:

Trump destroyed Haley with a whopping 94 percent to her five percent.

The poll concluded on the same day that Trump handily defeated Haley in the primary for her home state of South Carolina.

CPAC also polled attendees about their vice presidential picks — which South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem and entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy tied.

But it’s the South Carolina primary that really matters, and Trump also chalked up a massive victory there, too.

During his CPAC speech, Trump outlined his vision for America and rallied GOP voters to support his campaign.

As the Associated Press reported:

Former President Donald Trump cast November’s presidential election as “judgment day” and declared himself a “proud political dissident” during a speech before conservative activists outside of Washington Saturday as he again cloaked his campaign in religious imagery.

Speaking at the Conservative Political Action Conference on the day of South Carolina’s Republican primary, Trump painted an apocalyptic vision of the future if President Joe Biden wins a second term as the two prepare for an expected rematch election.

“For hardworking Americans, Nov. 5 will be our new liberation day. But for the liars and cheaters and fraudsters and censors and imposters who have commandeered our government, it will be judgment day,” he said to loud applause. “When we win, the curtain closes on their corrupt reign and the sun rises on a bright new future for America.”

Here’s a clip of Trump’s speech:


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