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Is The Northern Border The New Entry For Illegal Aliens?

If we take a look at the data, it would seem that the flow of invaders is indeed increasing from the Northern Border; a spike has been noted.

Nearly 6 times higher in roughly 2 years is the amount of illegal aliens entering from the north.

The tactic is simple enough:

Mexicans fly to Canada without a visa, avoiding the cartels and the many eyes that are on the Southern Border.

And now locals are noticing.

Audacy reports on this unusal location for border crossing:

While crossings along the U.S.-Mexico border account for most illegal crossings into the country, officials are warning about a spike in crossings at some unexpected – and chilly – locations.

“The record-breaking surge of illegal entries from Canada continues in Swanton Sector. A citizen’s report in Champlain, NY, led to the arrest of 10 Bangladesh citizens,” said a Feb. 8 X post from Chief Patrol Agent Robert Garcia of the United States Border Patrol Swanton Sector.

Data from U.S. Customs and Border Protection shows that single adult crossings at the northern border increased from 24,895 in 2021 to 92,737 in 2022 and 147,666 in 2023. Over the same period, crossings at the southwest border in 2021 totaled around 1.1 million, increased to around 1.7 million in 2022 and then decreased slightly to 1.5 million in 2023.

As of Jan. 4, there were a reported 413,304 single adult crossings at the southwest border and 35,068 at the northern border.

Per The New York Times, officials said there has been a 41% increase in encounters with people at the northern border last year. More than 12,200 people were apprehended crossing illegally from Canada in 2023, a 241% jump compared to the previous year.

“Most of them were Mexicans, who can fly to Canada without a visa and may prefer the northern border to avoid the cartels that exploit migrants in their country,” said the Times. “The phenomenon has transformed a 295-mile border area along northern New York, Vermont and New Hampshire into a hot spot of migration: About 70% of the illegal crossings in 2023 happened on this stretch, known as the Swanton Sector.”


Fox News adds:

A Vermont resident sounded the alarm Tuesday about the northern border after making “unsettling” discoveries outside her home and on her property.

Highgate resident Kristy Brow caught migrants on security cameras outside her house and has even discovered abandoned belongings as the number of encounters at the northern border continues to soar. She joined “Fox & Friends” to discuss why she fears for her safety and refuses to go outside by herself.

“It’s scary to know that you don’t know what’s lurking around in your woods,” Brow told Griff Jenkins on Tuesday.

“We never know what we’re going to find out back in our field. We found… clothes, as you see in the video. Water thermoses. You never know what you’re going to find out there. My son has been out there, and, of course, Border Patrol was following footprints… You don’t feel too safe.”

“Since Oct. 1, 2023, Swanton Sector Border Patrol Agents have apprehended more than 3,100 people from 55 countries,” U.S. Border Patrol Swanton Sector Chief Patrol Agent Robert Garcia wrote in a prior post on X this month, noting those apprehensions in just the last quarter make up more than the total illegal crossings in fiscal 2022, 2021, 2020 and 2019 combined for the Swanton Sector.

He shared a photo that shows an early morning apprehension of four adult males from Bangladesh on Feb. 1, near Mooers, N.Y.

The Swanton Sector makes up Vermont; the Clinton, Essex, Franklin, St. Lawrence and Herkimer counties of New York; and the Coos, Grafton and Carroll counties of New Hampshire.

Meanwhile, northern border encounters spiked 241% overall in 2023 in comparison to the previous year, a number that echoes the parallel surge at the U.S.-Mexico border thousands of miles away.


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